;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; FreeCellWorld ;;; Free cell game playing domain ;;; ;;; Originally written by Nolan Andres and Robert HillHouse (CS ;;; 486/686 Final Project) ;;; ;;; Adapted from TLPLAN to STRIPS. In particular removed all functions ;;; and arithmetic. ;;; ;;; Description ;;; ------------ ;;; Freecell is a solitaire game that comes with Windows. ;;; If you haven't seen it before: ;;; One has 8 columns of cards, 4 freecells and 4 homecells. The ;;; cards start in "random" (random according to MS's brain damaged RNG) ;;; piles in the 8 columns. We can move a card in the following ways: ;;; 1. we can move any card that is on top of a column to an empty free ;;; cell. The free cells only take one card each. ;;; 2. we can move any card from a free cell or from top of a column to ;;; a home cell if that home cell contains a card of the same suit ;;; and is one lower in value (aces have value 1, Jacks 11, Queens ;;; 12, Kings 13, and to make things more symmetric we start the ;;; homecells off containing "phone" cards with value 0. ;;; 3. we can move any card from the top of a column or from a ;;; freecell to the top of another column if that column currently holds ;;; a card with an opposite colour suit that has one higher ;;; value. ;;; 4. we can move any card from a free cell or on top of a column to a ;;; new column if there are less than 8 columns. ;;; The aim is to get all of the card home. The problems show quite a ;;; good variety of difficulty. ;;; With macro-moves (actions that generate worm-holes in the search ;;; space) and hand-tailored heurisics tlplan is able to solve about ;;; 90% of the randomly generated games. Unfortunately, the ;;; macro-moves need action descriptions that include recursive ;;; updates...i.e., beyond adl, and the heurisics need functions and ;;; arithmetic also beyond adl. ;;; ;;; However the original version of the domain was done by two ;;; students in my AI class, and without heuristics and marco moves ;;; they were able to solve problems containing reduced number of ;;; cards in each suit. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Cards are represented by the symbols ;;; ca, c2, ..., cj, cq, ck. - clubs ;;; da, d2, ..., dj, dq, dk. - diamonds ;;; ha, h2, ..., hj, hq, gk. - hearts ;;; sa, s2, ..., sj, sq, sk. - spaces ;;; (c0, d0, h0, s0 indicate an empty card of a certain suit). ;;; ;;; Where: ;;; c = clubs, d = diamonds, h = hearts, s = spades. ;;; a = ace, j = jack, q = queen, k = king. ;;; ;;; Static Predicates (In Tlplan these were functions) ;;; ;;; (value card val) --- the face value of the card. (1, ..., 13) ;;; (suit card st) --- the suit of the card. (c, d, h, s) ;;; e.g., (value ca 1) (suit ca c) ;;; (successor n' n) --- n' = n+1, for n=0,...,12, n'=1,...,13 ;;; a cheap and dirty way to avoid using ;;; numbers. ;;; Note 0 does not have a predecessor. This ;;; serves act as > 0 precondition ;;; ;;; ;;; Dynamic Predicates: ;;; ;;; (on card1 card2) -- card1 is on card2 ;;; (incell card) --- card is in a freecell. ;;; (clear card) --- card is clear (i.e., on top of a column). ;;; (cellspace n) --- there are n free freecells. ;;; n = 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 ;;; (colspace n) --- there are n free columns. n=0,..,8 ;;; (home card) --- card is a top card in a home stack. ;;; we use the special (home c0), ;;; (home d0), (home h0), (home s0). ;;; to indicate that home is empty for a ;;; particular suit. ;;; (bottomcol card) -- card is at the bottom of a stack. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (domain freecell) (:requirements :strips :typing) (:types card num suit) (:predicates (on ?c1 - card ?c2 - card) (incell ?c - card) (clear ?c - card) (cellspace ?n - num) (colspace ?n - num) (home ?c - card) (bottomcol ?c - card) (canstack ?c1 - card ?c2 - card) (suit ?c - card ?s - suit) (value ?c - card ?v - num) (successor ?n1 - num ?n0 - num) ) ;;; Move card between columns. Two versions dependent on whether or ;;; not we generate a new stack. (:action move :parameters (?card ?oldcard ?newcard - card) :precondition (and (clear ?card) (clear ?newcard) (canstack ?card ?newcard) (on ?card ?oldcard)) :effect (and (on ?card ?newcard) (clear ?oldcard) (not (on ?card ?oldcard)) (not (clear ?newcard)))) (:action move-b :parameters (?card ?newcard - card ?cols ?ncols - num) :precondition (and (clear ?card) (bottomcol ?card) (clear ?newcard) (canstack ?card ?newcard) (colspace ?cols) (successor ?ncols ?cols)) :effect (and (on ?card ?newcard) (colspace ?ncols) (not (bottomcol ?card)) (not (clear ?newcard)) (not (colspace ?cols)))) ;; Send a card to a freecell. Two versions dependent on whether or not ;; we generate a new stack. (:action sendtofree :parameters (?card ?oldcard - card ?cells ?ncells - num) :precondition (and (clear ?card) (on ?card ?oldcard) (cellspace ?cells) (successor ?cells ?ncells)) :effect (and (incell ?card) (clear ?oldcard) (cellspace ?ncells) (not (on ?card ?oldcard)) (not (clear ?card)) (not (cellspace ?cells)))) (:action sendtofree-b :parameters (?card - card ?cells ?ncells ?cols ?ncols - num) :precondition (and (clear ?card) (bottomcol ?card) (cellspace ?cells) (successor ?cells ?ncells) (colspace ?cols) (successor ?ncols ?cols)) :effect (and (incell ?card) (colspace ?ncols) (cellspace ?ncells) (not (bottomcol ?card)) (not (clear ?card)) (not (colspace ?cols)) (not (cellspace ?cells)))) ;; Send a card a new column (:action sendtonewcol :parameters (?card ?oldcard - card ?cols ?ncols - num) :precondition (and (clear ?card) (colspace ?cols) (successor ?cols ?ncols) (on ?card ?oldcard)) :effect (and (bottomcol ?card) (clear ?oldcard) (colspace ?ncols) (not (on ?card ?oldcard)) (not (colspace ?cols)))) ;;Send a card home (:action sendtohome :parameters (?card ?oldcard - card ?suit - suit ?vcard - num ?homecard - card ?vhomecard - num) :precondition (and (clear ?card) (on ?card ?oldcard) (home ?homecard) (suit ?card ?suit) (suit ?homecard ?suit) (value ?card ?vcard) (value ?homecard ?vhomecard) (successor ?vcard ?vhomecard)) :effect (and (home ?card) (clear ?oldcard) (not (on ?card ?oldcard)) (not (home ?homecard)) (not (clear ?card)))) (:action sendtohome-b :parameters (?card - card ?suit - suit ?vcard - num ?homecard - card ?vhomecard - num ?cols ?ncols - num) :precondition (and (clear ?card) (bottomcol ?card) (home ?homecard) (suit ?card ?suit) (suit ?homecard ?suit) (value ?card ?vcard) (value ?homecard ?vhomecard) (successor ?vcard ?vhomecard) (colspace ?cols) (successor ?ncols ?cols)) :effect (and (home ?card) (colspace ?ncols) (not (home ?homecard)) (not (clear ?card)) (not (bottomcol ?card)) (not (colspace ?cols)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Move cards in free cell ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (:action homefromfreecell :parameters (?card - card ?suit - suit ?vcard - num ?homecard - card ?vhomecard - num ?cells ?ncells - num) ;;Send a card home from a free cell. :precondition (and (incell ?card) (home ?homecard) (suit ?card ?suit) (suit ?homecard ?suit) (value ?card ?vcard) (value ?homecard ?vhomecard) (successor ?vcard ?vhomecard) (cellspace ?cells) (successor ?ncells ?cells)) :effect (and (home ?card) (cellspace ?ncells) (not (incell ?card)) (not (cellspace ?cells)) (not (home ?homecard)))) (:action colfromfreecell :parameters (?card ?newcard - card ?cells ?ncells - num) :precondition (and (incell ?card) (clear ?newcard) (canstack ?card ?newcard) (cellspace ?cells) (successor ?ncells ?cells)) :effect (and (cellspace ?ncells) (clear ?card) (on ?card ?newcard) (not (incell ?card)) (not (cellspace ?cells)) (not (clear ?newcard)))) (:action newcolfromfreecell :parameters (?card - card ?cols ?ncols ?cells ?ncells - num) :precondition (and (incell ?card) (colspace ?cols) (cellspace ?cells) (successor ?cols ?ncols) (successor ?ncells ?cells)) :effect (and (bottomcol ?card) (clear ?card) (colspace ?ncols) (cellspace ?ncells) (not (incell ?card)) (not (colspace ?cols)) (not (cellspace ?cells))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;