;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Version with variable typing (define (domain flat-tire-typing) (:requirements :strips :equality :typing) ;; :cwa ;unfastened, open, locked (:types container nut hub tool wheel) (:constants wrench pump jack - tool) (:predicates (annoyed) (locked ?c - container) (open ?c - container) (in ?x - (either tool wheel) ?c - container) (have ?x - (either tool nut wheel)) (tight ?n - nut ?h - hub) (loose ?n - nut ?h - hub) (on-ground ?h - hub) (unfastened ?h - hub) (on ?n - (either nut wheel) ?h - hub) (free ?h - hub) (inflated ?w - wheel) (intact ?w - wheel)) (:action cuss :effect (not (annoyed))) (:action open-container :parameters (?c - container) :precondition (and (not (locked ?c)) (not (open ?c))) :effect (open ?c)) (:action close-container :parameters (?c - container) :precondition (open ?c) :effect (not (open ?c))) (:action fetch :parameters (?x - tool ?c - container) :precondition (and (not (= ?x ?c)) (in ?x ?c) (open ?c)) :effect (and (have ?x) (not (in ?x ?c)))) (:action put-away :parameters (?x - tool ?c - container) :precondition (and (not (= ?x ?c)) (have ?x) (open ?c)) :effect (and (in ?x ?c) (not (have ?x)))) (:action loosen :parameters (?n - nut ?h - hub) :precondition (and (not (= ?n ?h)) (have wrench) (tight ?n ?h) (on-ground ?h)) :effect (and (loose ?n ?h) (not (tight ?n ?h)))) (:action tighten :parameters (?n - nut ?h - hub) :precondition (and (not (= ?n ?h)) (have wrench) (loose ?n ?h) (on-ground ?h)) :effect (and (tight ?n ?h) (not (loose ?n ?h)))) (:action jack-up :parameters (?h - hub) :precondition (and (on-ground ?h) (have jack)) :effect (and (not (on-ground ?h)) (not (have jack)))) ;; jacking down wheel x on hub y (dependency would be better) (:action jack-down :parameters (?h - hub) :precondition (not (on-ground ?h)) :effect (and (on-ground ?h) (have jack))) (:action remove-nuts :parameters (?n - nut ?h - hub) :precondition (and (not (= ?n ?h)) (not (on-ground ?h)) (not (unfastened ?h)) (have wrench) (loose ?n ?h)) :effect (and (have ?n) (unfastened ?h) (not (on ?n ?h)) (not (loose ?n ?h)))) (:action put-on-nuts :parameters (?n - nut ?h - hub) :precondition (and (not (= ?n ?h)) (have wrench) (unfastened ?h) (not (on-ground ?h)) (have ?n)) :effect (and (loose ?n ?h) (not (unfastened ?h)) (not (have ?n)))) (:action remove-wheel :parameters (?w - wheel ?h - hub) :precondition (and (not (= ?w ?h)) (not (on-ground ?h)) (on ?w ?h) (unfastened ?h)) :effect (and (have ?w) (free ?h) (not (on ?w ?h)))) (:action put-on-wheel :parameters (?w - wheel ?h - hub) :precondition (and (not (= ?w ?h)) (have ?w) (free ?h) (unfastened ?h) (not (on-ground ?h))) :effect (and (on ?w ?h) (not (have ?w)) (not (free ?h)))) (:action inflate :parameters (?w - wheel) :precondition (and (have pump) (not (inflated ?w)) (intact ?w)) :effect (inflated ?w)))