================================================================= CS314 Spring 2016 Grading Rubric Assignment 1 (A1): Team Development using Eclipse and Git ================================================================ Total Possible Points: 60 ===============================PART 1=========================== Team Portion of Grade: Submission: 20 possible points. ================================================================ - The names of all team members must be at start of each file (as comments on java files and at the top of overview.txt). - The package should be in directory cs314_A1 and be named cs314_A1 - On extracting from the jar file, all submitted files (AdventureGameView.java, AdventureGameModel.java, ... , overview.txt) should get unpacked into directory src, package cs314_A1 The cs314_A1 package should contain all of the java files, and the src directory should contain the overview.txt file. - No class files or other unneeded files are in your jar file. - Compile: Files should compile successfully and without warnings. - Run: Your program should start without warnings and take user input without crashing. - Overview.txt file: - Names of all team members. - Specific contributions by each team member. - Time spent by each team member. - The CSU Honor Pledge: "I have not given, received, or used any unauthorized assistance." with the team members' names listed below. ==========================PART 2================================ Individual Portion of Grade: Development Process: 40 possible points. ================================================================ - GitHub logs for the team repository show at least 1 branch for each student on the team. - Branch name is descriptive of the changes made, including a way to tell which student is working on it (e.g. GGfixWarn, JBcomment, SMcomment). - Branch commits occur often, with a small amount of changes in each commit. - Branch commit logs are descriptive of the changes made. - Multiple pushes have been made to each student branch. - Merges from other teammates' branches to the student's branch have been made. - Merges from the master to the student's branch have been made. - GitHub logs for the repository pull review system show the student has requested reviews of their proposed changes to the master. - GitHub logs for the repository pull review system show the student has reviewed their teammates proposed changes to the master. - GitHub logs for the repository show that all student branches have been merged into the master.