CS-314, Spring 2016
Assignment 5. Apply Design Patterns to Enhance the Adventure Game

Using design patterns to enhance the Adventure Game.

This is an assignment with both team and individual portions.

Check the A5 discussion on the Discussion board regularly.

(Expect Updates.)

DUE Wednesday 20 April 2016, 11:55 PM

CREDIT: 100 assignment points possible.


Overview: You are to enhance the Adventure Game again. You are to design the enhanced game and implement it. Grading will be based on the behavior of the system and the accompanying design documents.

Use the instructor's Adventure Game implementation and your solutions to Assignments 2 (A2), 3 (A3), and 4(A4) as the starting point.

You may enhance either the Android interface from Assignment 4 or the Swing interface from Assignment 2.

User Stories:

User Story 1: As a game player, I want to be able to choose a level of difficulty for Adventure game, so that the game is more challenging.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Split story 1-A: As a CS 314 student, I want to refactor the game to use the Abstract Factory design pattern so that I can use factories to create at least 2 difficulty levels.

  2. Acceptance Criteria (AC):

  3. Split story 1-B: As a CS 314 student, I want to add entities and behaviors for at least Level 1 so that there actually are differences between Level 0 and Level 1.

  4. Acceptance Criteria (AC):

User Story 2: As a game player, I want to be able to save and restore a game state, so that I don't have to play the entire game at once.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Split story 2-A: As a CS 314 student, I want to add save and restore game state to the cave creation so that the game supports this function.

  2. Acceptance Criteria (AC):
    1. Complete game state can be saved at any time.
    2. Game restoration occurs properly - all necessary state is restored.
    3. Game play resumes properly after a restoration.
    4. A description of the mechanism used to configure a cave configuration from a file and to save and retrieve games is created.
    5. New tests are written for game saving, restoration, and continued play and pass. Any defects they find are fixed.
    6. All previous tests are run and pass.
    7. Meet 'Definition of Done' (DoD), below.

Definition of Done (DoD):

For all user stories:

For CS314 development:


Ideas for Level 1 Rooms, Players, and objects:


Other deliverables:


1. Continue splitting the user stories if needed. With your team, estimate story points for all split user stories. If you find a split story still has 13 or more story points, split it.

2. With your team, create the tasks needed to implement each split user story so that the Acceptance Criteria can be met. Make sure to meet the definition of done listed above. Add to your team's definition of done if needed. Estimate the number of hours for each task. Create tasks that are between 1 and 10 hours long.

3. Decide which teammembers will be working on which tasks.

4. Add the split user stories and tasks to the UserStory folder of your project, one text file for each user story: e.g. A5-US-1.txt. Please see previous assignment A2, A2-US-1.txt, for an example file format; estimated story points and task estimated and actual times must be included.

5. As each person finishes a task, update the task information in the respective User Story file to include the time it actually took to complete.

6. Make sure the plain text file in the src directory called overview.txt has been modified by each person so that it contains the information required in A5rubric.txt.

7a. If you use Android Studio: create a zip file named cs314Android_A5.zip, which includes all source code (java and xml files) in your solution.

7b. Your Eclipse project: create a jar file named cs314_A5.jar which includes the entire Eclipse project sources, test sources, the overview.txt file, and the user story file(s) (e.g. A5-US-1.txt). (See A5rubric.txt, PART 2 for details on the required jar file structure.)

8. Submit your jar files to the Canvas dropbox for Assignment 5 (A5) to check-in your assignment.

Post questions or comments about this assignment, or problems with the design to the Assignment 5 Discussion on the Canvas discussion board, or send email to cs314@cs.colostate.edu.

Grading: (for details see A5rubric.txt)

1. You will receive a team grade based on the Canvas submission, your tests, test results, and game functionality as demonstrated to the TA.

2. You will receive an individual grade based on GitHub logs of your repository submissions and review system comments. Each team member is expected to have created and used branches for their own work for A4, with frequent pushes from their local systems to GitHub, and review requests when they are ready to merge to the master. Each team member is expected to review code changes proposed by their teammates and provide comments.

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