CS-314, Spring 2016
Design Studio 1. Inspections

Pre-class work and Pre-Quiz, In-class work, and Post-class work for DS1.

The design studio pre-class work is individual. The design studio pre-Quiz is an individual quiz.

Pre-Quiz DUE Tuesday 26 January 2016, 11:55 PM

CREDIT: Pre-Quiz: 10 points, Design Studio: 10 points

Pre-class work and Pre-Quiz Purpose:

In-class activity Purpose:

Post-class work Purpose:

Design Studio Pre-class work - Do This Before Class, Quiz deadline Tues night, 11:55pm



The pre-work contains background information on inspections and also materials that we will use during the in-class activity. You will be participating in a code inspection during class. Each person will inspect the code from a different persepective, or role. We will be using 3 roles: Moderator/End User, Maintainer, and Tester. These roles are explained in the design studio pre-work file (DS1-PRE.pdf).


1. Determine your role through discussion with your teammates. Your team should have one member playing each role.
If you are not yet in a team you can assume a role based on your last name:

2. Complete the pre-class readings:

3. Complete the pre-class inspection preparation:

4. Take the Q1 Pre-Inspection Quiz, available in Canvas.


1. You will receive an individual quiz grade for the pre-quiz.

Design Studio In-Class Activity - Do This in Groups of 3 - Each Person Must Have a Different Role


You will participate in an inspection meeting to log defects in the 2 code files AdventureGame.java and Player.java. Follow the instructions for Task 1 in DS1-InClass.pdf.

What you need to do:

1. With your team, log defects you found in your roles using the logging sheet found in DS1-Log.pdf.

2. Turn in your log sheet at the end of class.


The team portion of your DS1 grade (5 points) will be based on your log sheet.

Design Studio Post-work - Do This After Class


Post-class retrospective writing DUE Thursday 28 January 2016, 11:55 PM


You need to write a self-learning assessment for the in-class activity. Follow the instructions for Task 2 in DS1-InClass.pdf.

What you need to do:

1. Write your assessment and submit it via Canvas.


The individual portion of your DS1 grade (5 points) will be based on how thoughtfully you have addressed the questions in Task 2, and also on how well you have constructed your writing (paragraphs and arguments).

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