CS-314, Spring 2016
Design Studio 2. Agile Scrum User Stories

Pre-class work and Pre-Quiz, In-class work (Monday February 8), and Post-class work for DS2.

The design studio pre-class work includes both team and individual portions. The design studio pre-Quiz is an individual quiz.

Pre-Quiz DUE Sunday 7 February 2016, 11:55 PM

CREDIT: Pre-Quiz: 10 points, Design Studio: 10 points

Design Studio User Story: As a student in CS 314, I want to be able to write user stories so that I can split them, accurately estimate their points, decompose them into appropriate tasks with accurate time estimates, and develop acceptance criteria for both the user stories and their tasks.

Pre-work and Pre-Quiz User Stories:

As a student in CS 314, I want to understand how:

In-class activity User Stories:

As a student in CS 314, I want to practice:

Post-class work User Stories:

Design Studio Pre-Class work - Do This Before Class, Quiz due Sunday night 11:55 pm



The pre-work contains background information on Scrum, Agile user stories, and tasks. These are explained in the design studio pre-work file ( DS2-PRE.pdf).


1. Complete the pre-class readings:

2. Complete the pre-class preparation:

3. Take the Q2 Pre-UserStory Quiz, available in Canvas.


1. You will receive an individual quiz grade for the pre-quiz.

Design Studio In-Class Activity - Work in your Team



You will be practicing sizing user stories and decomposing them into tasks, and estimating task times in the design studio in-class activity. Follow the instructions for Task 1 in DS2-InClass.pdf.

What you need to do:

1. With your team, work through Task 1, and record you work on the Result Sheet to turn in at the end of class, and keep a copy so that you can add all of your results to your Assignment 2 work.

2. Turn in your Result Sheet at the end of class.


The team portion of your DS2 grade (5 points) will be based on your result sheet.

Design Studio Post-Class work - Do This After Class


Post-class retrospective writing DUE Tuesday 9 February 2016, 11:55 PM


You need to write a self-learning assessment for the in-class activity. Follow the instructions for Task 2 in DS2-InClass.pdf.

What you need to do:

1. Write your assessment and submit it via Canvas. Make sure your name is included in your file or it will not be graded and you will receive a 0.


The individual portion of your DS2 grade (5 points) will be based on how thoughtfully you have identified critical areas of learning in this design studio and created questions and answers.

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