CS 657: Overview and Grading

NOTE: You are strongly encouraged to contact me for more details about the class.

1. Class Overview

This is a seminar course that will expose students to current developments in the fast-moving area of network security. Topics that will be covered inslude, DDoS attacks and defences, worm propagation, network intrusion detection, SPAM, and other network security topics. The material for the class will be taken from recent papers in networking and security conferences. Students will also gain extensive experience in configuring common services on a testbed and open source measurement tools and IDS' such as Snort and Bro.

The course consists of three main elements: (a) in-class student presentations (30mins), each based on 3-4 papers taken from current networking literature; (b) laboratory exercises using various testbeds, which may include PCs, Cisco routers and other appropriate hardware; and (c) a term project carried out by individuals accompanied by a project report.

2. Grading

There are no exams in this class. However, I will have an interview-style discussion with each student individually after each exersise and at the end of the class. Your grade will depend on the following:
  • Presentations: 30%
  • Project and exercises: 50%
  • Participation: 20%