 An object of this class is a special kind of list of strings. You
 can write the list only from beginning to end. You can add only to
 the end of the list. You cannot change individual entries, but you  
 can erase the entire list and start over. No entry may appear more  
 than once on the list. You can use int variables as position markers 
 into the list. Position markers are similar to array indices, but are 
 numbered starting with 1.
public class OneWayNoRepeatsList
    public static int START_POSITION = 1;
    public static int DEFAULT_SIZE = 50;
    //entry.length is the total number of items you have room
    //for on the list (its capacity); countOfEntries is the number of  
    //items currently on the list.
    private int countOfEntries; //can be less than entry.length.
    private String[] entry; 
     Creates an empty list with a given capacity.
    public OneWayNoRepeatsList(int maximumNumberOfEntries)
        entry = new String[maximumNumberOfEntries];
        countOfEntries = 0; 
     Creates an empty list with a capacity of DEFAULT_SIZE.
    public OneWayNoRepeatsList( )
        entry = new String[DEFAULT_SIZE];
        countOfEntries = 0; 
    // or replace these two statements with this(DEFAULT_SIZE);
    public boolean isFull( )
        return countOfEntries == entry.length;
    public boolean isEmpty( )
        return countOfEntries == 0;

     Precondition: List is not full.
     Postcondition: If item was not on the list, 
     it has been added to the list.
    public void addItem(String item)
        if (!isOnList(item))
            if (countOfEntries == entry.length)
                System.out.println("Attempt to add to a full list!");
                entry[countOfEntries] = item;
        } //else do nothing. Item is already on the list.
     If the argument indicates a position on the list,
     the entry at that specified position is returned;
     otherwise, null is returned.
    public String getEntryAt(int position)
        String result = null;
        if ((1 <= position) && (position <= countOfEntries))
            result = entry[position - 1];
        return result;
     Returns true if position indicates the last item 
     on the list; otherwise, returns false.
    public boolean atLastEntry(int position)
        return position == countOfEntries;

     Returns true if item is on the list;
     otherwise, returns false. Does not differentiate 
     between uppercase and lowercase letters.
    public boolean isOnList(String item) 
        boolean found = false;
        int i = 0;
        while (!found && (i < countOfEntries)) 
            if (item.equalsIgnoreCase(entry[i]))
                found = true;
        return found;
    public int getMaximumNumberOfEntries( )
        return entry.length;
    public int getNumberOfEntries( )
        return countOfEntries;
    public void eraseList( )
        countOfEntries = 0;

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