CS 161 Lab 3


This lab will explore the ArrayList data structure as well as a few other helpful methods for classes:


This lab focuses on experimenting with the ArrayList data structure and features a brief review of basic object oriented programming. We will use Animal.java and GuinnessBook.java. Please download the following files:

Lab Assignment

Please complete this lab individually. You are always welcome to bring any lab material and questions to office hours.

Assignment Overview

Previously, you have used arrays to store and manipulate collections of primitives and objects. However, Java arrays can only represent collections of a fixed size. This is an unfortunate limitation as the programmer often does not know how many items will be added in advance.

Many programming languages, including Java, provide programmers with data structures that are resizable as well as random access and contiguous. In Java, this data structure is ArrayList. ArrayList internally maintains an array of data that is resized to accomodate additional elements. ArrayList also allows the programmer to add/remove items at arbitrary indices and even find the index of a particular item.

In Animal.java, please add:

In GuinnessBook's main method, we are creating two GuinnessBook objects, one will have an arrayList that just imports the animals as the are in the file. The other will insert animals in their appropriate places, sorted in increasing order according to their topSpeed. Don't worry about sorting by their names right now. Also, you don't need to add any code to the main method.

In GuinnessBook.java, please add code for:
  • The constructors - although the code for reading in the file is already written. You just need to add code that adds the animals to the landAnimals arrayList, unsorted in the first constructor, sorted in the second.
  • The toString() method. This can make use of Animal's toString()method. Just print out all of the elements in the arrayList. EX:

    Name: giraffe Top Speed: 32
    Name: pronghorn Top Speed: 61
    Name: reindeer Top Speed: 32

  • The numAnimalsInRange(Animal other) method. This will return an int with the number of animals that have a top speed within 2 mph of the animal passed to this method, not including that same animal.
  • This recitation is worth two points