import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; public class GuinnessBook { private ArrayList landAnimals; public GuinnessBook(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException{ landAnimals = new ArrayList(); File animalFile = new File(filename); Scanner scan = new Scanner(animalFile); while(scan.hasNextLine()){ String[] animalInfo = scan.nextLine().split(" "); String animalName = ""; for(int i = 0; i < (animalInfo.length-1); i++){ animalName += animalInfo[i] + " "; } animalName = animalName.trim(); Integer topSpeed = Integer.parseInt(animalInfo[animalInfo.length-1]); //insert the animal into the arraylist here, don't change any of the above code } scan.close(); } public String toString(){ System.out.println("toString() NOT IMPLEMENTED"); return ""; } private void testGuinnessBook() throws FileNotFoundException { // uncomment the println statements to find animals whose speed is within // 2mph of a given speed // System.out.println("Is there an animal whose speed is around 70mph? " + landAnimals.contains(new Animal("fast animal", 70))); // System.out.println("Is there an animal whose speed is around 35mph? " + landAnimals.contains(new Animal("slow animal", 35))); // System.out.println(); // The success of the above two statements depends on correct implementation of an equals method in the Animal class // TAs: please explain this point at some point during the recitation. //If we would like to know which animal it is: // System.out.println(landAnimals.get(landAnimals.indexOf(new Animal("fast animal", 70)))); // System.out.println(landAnimals.get(landAnimals.indexOf(new Animal("slow animal", 35)))); // System.out.println(); //Now print all the animals whose speed is around 50mph } public static void main(String args[]) throws FileNotFoundException { // Once is completed and GuinnessBook has a working toString, // uncomment the next two lines to test the constructor and toString // GuinnessBook records = new GuinnessBook(args[0]); // System.out.println(records); // Next, uncomment the following line and lines from testGuinnessBook to test your // Animal class equals method // records.testGuinnessBook(); } }