Assignment: Assessment: Understand Your Personality Traits


  1. Go to theĀ Career Center homepageĀ and click on the Ram Career Ready icon.
    • Click on "Explore Your Path" and login
    • Click on "ASSESS: Understand Your Personality Traits"
    • Carefully read and follow all instructions on the left and take the online personality test.
    • After completing the online personality test, click on the "Start Reading" link at the bottom of the page. Read the 8 "Explore Your Type" sections on your personality type.
    • Complete all sections of the Understand Your Personality Traits form on the right, then
      • Write down your answers so you can submit to canvas
      • Press the "Submit" button.
  2. Enter your completed answers into Canvas
    1. Personality Type
      • Personality, this is the first 4 Letters, such as ISFJ
      • Variant, this is the letter after the '-' in ISJF- such as 'A' or 'T'
      • Role, this is the one word description such as Defender
    2. What three characteristics in the description sound most like you?
    3. Name three occupations that are common for someone with your personality type.
    4. List three habits from the workplace habits list that are common for YOU in the workplace and give an example of how that has emerged for you in past jobs, course projects, or student activities.
    5. ** (This question is not part of the career page website assignment) If you were registering for classes today, what major would say you are? Acceptable answers would be saying the name of one major, that you are undecided between two or more majors and listing what they are, or saying that you are not sure.