CS 200, Fall 2014: Assignment 1
Introduction, Review and Start on Project

Due Wednesday 9/10/14 by 12:00 PM

The purpose of this assignment is to get oriented, to check how much you remember, or can look up, from the pre-requisites of the class and to get you started on the contents of this class. For those of you who transferred in, this assignment is intended to help you quickly get familiarized with our systems and our expectations. For those of you who took CS161 here, it should make you dust off the cobwebs on your programming knowledge...

Introduction: [10 pts]

Your instructors (professor and teaching assistants) would like to get to know you a bit. So we are requesting two ways for you to do so:
  1. Put your name in large, friendly, readable letters on the card stock that we will give you. You can add any picture to it that you think characterizes you and/or your interests. Bring it to class each session and place it in front of you facing the instructor. Note: having this will help contribute toward your participation grade.
  2. To encourage everyone to participate on the discussion board, you need to introduce yourself to the rest of the class. You must log on to RamCT and add to the Introductions discussion thread. Provide your name and at least one other 'byte' of information: why you are taking the course, what your passion is, the most unusual thing you have ever done, a photo of your dog…whatever.

Java Programming: [90 pts]

You are to write a program (whose class name is P1) that reads a text file, finds all the words in it (removing punctuation as below), stores the unique words in sorted order and prints out the stored words in order. It should also remove any HTML commands. Notes: