Category: Afternoon

Question 0: What is my code name?


Question 1: What is my goal for programming assignments?

My goals for programming assignments are to pass all the checkin tests, use the concepts learned from the class, and write readable and efficient code.

Question 2: What are my strengths?

One of my strengths is my persistence with getting things to work properly using learned concepts. I also try and maintain a style of coding that is easy to read. I give all my assignments my best effort and take pride in my work.

Question 3: What are my weaknesses?

One of my weaknesses is that I can sometimes get lost in the details and have a hard time seeing the big picture. As a partner, another weakness will be my availability (I have a tight scedule this semester).

Question 4: I like to a) get tasks done early. b) procrastinate. c) set my schedule based on weekly demands. d) be flexible about assignment deadlines.

c) set my schedule based on weekly demands.

Question 5: What do I like to do for fun?

While school is in session, during my limited free-time, I like to watch documentaries, do jigsaw puzzles, and/or read.

Question 6: Describe your communication style.

I prefer to communicate through email or in person.

Question 7: Describe the characteristics of a good partner.

A good partner can work independently, has confidence in his or her code, and can meet deadlines. He or she uses concepts learned in class and good object-oriented design. Ideally my partner will also take pride in his/her work.

Question 8: Describe the characteristics of a bad partner.

A bad partner doesn't care about applying learned concepts to his/her code, waits until the last minute to complete assignments, and is slow to communicate progress.

Question 9: My best open times to meet with a CS 200 parter (including recitation times) are:

I can meet after class on Tuesdays and Thursdays (10:45am-12:00pm) and afternoons MWF.

Question 10: Any additional comments should be made here.

Please only pick me if you are a serious student.