Category: Monrning, Afternoon, Evening, Weekend

Question 0: What is my code name?


Question 1: What is my goal for programming assignments?

To complete fully the task assigned and understand every line of code

Question 2: What are my strengths?

Debugging, algorithms

Question 3: What are my weaknesses?


Question 4: I like to a) get tasks done early. b) procrastinate. c) set my schedule based on weekly demands. d) be flexible about assignment deadlines.

c) always set my schedule based on the week

Question 5: What do I like to do for fun?

Snowboard, longboard, wakeboard, bowling. All with friends

Question 6: Describe your communication style.

Very fast via text and email

Question 7: Describe the characteristics of a good partner.

Someone willing to set up designated times to work on it, and be willing to be responsible for a portion of the assignment

Question 8: Describe the characteristics of a bad partner.

Someone who doesn't communicate or doesn't help with the debugging of code

Question 9: My best open times to meet with a CS 200 parter (including recitation times) are:

Most afternoons after 2 until 6

Question 10: Any additional comments should be made here.

I am willing to meet with partners to code, but also am good with setting it up over a phone call or text conversation