Category: Afternoon

Question 0: What is my code name?


Question 1: What is my goal for programming assignments?

I try to write well documented code so I can easily see what I was thinking when I look at it in a year. I try to have them done with ample time to debug, so I start writing immediately after it's available.

Question 2: What are my strengths?

I have a pretty good background in programming prior to this course and a solid understanding of Java, including the data structures and algorithms we are working on.

Question 3: What are my weaknesses?

I have an issue with assuming I know more than my partner. I'm working on ensuring: people I'm working with dont' feel stupid, and that they aren't getting left out. I'm very used to being in a supervisory position, which means I'm used to giving orders, but I need to work on two-way communication.

Question 4: I like to a) get tasks done early. b) procrastinate. c) set my schedule based on weekly demands. d) be flexible about assignment deadlines.

I generally work on a triage basis: the most urgent tasks get done first. I have to have "me" time or I'll be a very cranky person. I like to get tasks early if I enjoy them, if I don't I tend to procrastinate.

Question 5: What do I like to do for fun?

I'm a gamer, but I also do a little programming and tinkering. I've done woodworking in the past but haven't had time recently.

Question 6: Describe your communication style.

I dislike phone calls, text message and e-mail or in person are best. As mentioned before, I'm used to being the supervisor, so "peer-to-peer" communication is harder for me.

Question 7: Describe the characteristics of a good partner.

Understands troubleshooting and debugging concepts: does not randomly change code and "hope it works." VERY IMPORTANT: Tell me if there's a problem, either with me or with your understanding. I will do whatever I can to ensure you understand. I will do the same. "I didn't really understand what I needed to do" is not a good excuse for not being done two days before the assignment is due.

Question 8: Describe the characteristics of a bad partner.

Procrastinates, does not communicate when there are issues.

Question 9: My best open times to meet with a CS 200 parter (including recitation times) are:

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday. Any time. Friday after 11.

Question 10: Any additional comments should be made here.

Everything is awesome.