Category: Evening

Question 0: What is my code name?


Question 1: What is my goal for programming assignments?

To get the highest grade possible while learning how to solve the problem.

Question 2: What are my strengths?

I get my work done on time and usually done well.

Question 3: What are my weaknesses?

I procrastinate and find myself doing work the weekend before it is due.

Question 4: I like to set my schedule based on weekly demands and be flexible about assignment deadlines but I will procrastinate.

Tasks? What are these tasks you speak of?

Question 5: What do I like to do for fun?

I play video games, snowboard, skate, play soccer and many other activities.

Question 6: Describe your communication style.

By email I might be slower to respond but by text or phonecall I will respond pretty quickly if not right away.

Question 7: Describe the characteristics of a good partner.

Easy to work with, gets their work done, and is reliable.

Question 8: Describe the characteristics of a bad partner.

Does not do their work, is lazy, expects me to do their work, does not communicate.

Question 9: My best open times to meet with a CS 200 parter (including recitation times) are:

Mondays between 11am and 2pm or between 3pm and 8 pm. I can usually meet in between 200 and 270 on tuesdays and thursdays. On Wed I can meet for sure in between 12 and 1:30. I work so my schedule each week changes. I am pretty flexible and am willing to work with your available times. I find myself working on homework mostly on weekends.

Question 10: Any additional comments should be made here.

I tend to work on homework mostly on weekends but that is because I procrastinate. I usually try to work on an assignment as much as possible through out the week it just depends on how my work schedule and my other homework assignments.