Category: Monrning, Afternoon, Evening, Weekend

Question 0: What is my code name?


Question 1: What is my goal for programming assignments?

My goals are to learn new concepts, improve my programming techniques, and get a good grade.

Question 2: What are my strengths?

I take notes in class, read directions carefully, and stay very organized. I have strong communication skills and try to make sure work is distributed evenly between both partners.

Question 3: What are my weaknesses?

I started learning to program last spring when I took cs160. I have not had a lot of practice writing programs, and I am still trying to improve my programming skills.

Question 4: I like to a) get tasks done early. b) procrastinate. c) set my schedule based on weekly demands. d) be flexible about assignment deadlines.

C. set my schedule based on weekly demands. I have a Friday lab, so I tend to get started later when the lab applies directly to the assignment. If at all possible, I like to get my assignments done early enough to go to office hours and get help.

Question 5: What do I like to do for fun?

I like to read and watch Netflix.

Question 6: Describe your communication style.

I am very comfortable working and communicating with people. It is easiest to discuss assignments in person so both partners can see the code at the same time, but communicating over the phone or e-mail are also options.

Question 7: Describe the characteristics of a good partner.

A good partner is organized, and communicates frequently. They will complete their section of the work in a timely manner or contact their partner to discuss problems. They will add comments to their code and communicate openly about their progress.

Question 8: Describe the characteristics of a bad partner.

A bad partner is disorganized and procrastinates often. They do not discuss problems with the assignment, and they do not finish their work on time.

Question 9: My best open times to meet with a CS 200 parter (including recitation times) are:

Monday: before 9:00am, 11:00 to 2:00, after 3:00

Tuesday: before 9:30am, 12:30 to 3:00

Wednesday: any time before 2:00pm

Friday: before 11:00am, 11:00 to 1:00(my recitation), 3:00 to 5:00

Question 10: Any additional comments should be made here.

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