Programming Assignment 4

Version 1.0 - Initial release

Colorado State University

CS370: Operating Systems

10:00 pm
Friday May 9th, 2014

Programming Assignment 4: Memory management

The purpose of this assignment is introduce the concepts of FIFO, LRU, and Optimal in the scope of page replacement algorithms.

Description of Task

For this assignment, assume you have 16KB of usable memory available for you to use. This memory is byte-addressable, meaning it takes 14 bits to reference all the physical bytes. The page size for this machine is 1KB - meaning your page replacement algorithm has 16 frames to work with.

Your logical address space is 16 bits.

Your program will implement 3 seperate page replacement algorithms, FIFO, LRU, and optimal for a single user. This will be tested by calling an address generator that will return an integer array with N number of logical memory references for each replacement algorithm. Your program should record the number of page faults using each algorithm.


  1. Your makefile shall create an executable called PA4.
  2. PA4 shall take 2 parameters from the command line. Anything other than integers (or nothing) will result in an error and termination.
    • The first is the number of logical memory references to run the algorithm for. This number is an integer greater 100 and less than 1000000.
    • The second is the seed to give the random number generator. This number is an integer greater than or equal to 0.
    • The default for the first number is 1000, the default for the second number is 0.
  3. Your program will include the genAddress function given here. Do NOT change this file in any way.
  4. Your program will call the genAddress function, which will return a pointer to an integer array of N logical memory references.
  5. Your program will use those memory references in order and execute each of the page replacement algorithms recording the number of page faults for each.
  6. Your program will print the results per the sample output below.


Below is example output:

recondite> PA4 100000 0

FIFO = 20583 pagefaults
LRU = 18845 pagefaults
Optimal = 11459 pagefaults


What to Submit

Submit your .c and .h files, your Makefile, and a README file containing a description of each file and any information you feel the grader needs to grade your program.

The program files should be well documented with both data dictionaries and logic flow descriptions.

Your makefile should perform both a make clean as well as a make all. Name the executables per the requirements .

You are required to work alone on this lab.

Submit all files using the RamCT CS370 Assignment Submission icon

This is Programming Assignment 2.

Late Policy

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