
Your final grade is composed of the following:

10%, 15%, 15%
midterm1: 12.5%, midterm2: 12.5%, final 25%

There will be two midterms and one final exam. See the class schedule.


Assignments consist of labs and homework. Labs are programming assignments. They may be done individually, or with a single partner. The amount of work does not require partnering. However, you may find it useful to partner with another student. If you partner with someone for a lab, please put both your names on the assignment and please submit only a single copy of your work for grading. You will both recieve the same grade for the lab. For projects, you MUST email the TA ahead of time with the name of your partner!

Homeworks are written assignments that are to be done individually. They are submitted electronically, Please use a common format (ascii or pdf) to make it easier to view and grade you work. No handwritten submissions please!

Assignment Submission: Each lab/homework assignment must be submitted electronically by midnight on the given due date for that assignment. Submissions must be emailed to the TA.

Collaboration Policy

I encourage you to talk with other students about clarifications and questions on your assignments, but you must submit your own work. You may not copy someone else's homework or program (either with or without their knowledge) or write code for them. Please read the departmental policy statement regarding incompletes, cheating, and class attendance (linked on the main page).