CS 453 Programming Assignment #6 — MeggyJava local and member variables and assignmwent

Due Tuesday May 1st (by 11:59pm)


This assignment is to be done with your CS 453 programming partner. In this assignment you will be writing a compiler for the PA6 subset of the MeggyJava language that includes local and member variable declarations and assignment statements. The main addition in terms of functionality will be handling of classes, local and member variables, the equality operator for integers and references, and the less than operator for integers.

Variable declarations of type button, and hence assignments to button variables, are not supported in MeggyJava.

You will

You will need to extend the type checking for objects and (instance and local) variables. Here are some example programs:
PA6loc.java, its symbol table, and its PA6loc.java.s file,
PA6obj.java, its symbol table, and its PA6obj.java.s file.

The Assignment

The Makefile creates a jar file, MJ.jar, that can be executed as follows:
   java -jar MJ.jar InputFile.java

The input files can be any PA6 MeggyJava program. Start with the above simple examples. Ultimately, the PA6Cylon.java example you wrote for PA1 and PA6PaddleBall.java are possible test cases for MJPA6_groupname.jar. The output file named InputFile.java.s should be an AVR assembly program that using the provided build process will run on the MeggyJr device. Additionally, the InputFile.java.s file must be such that we can run it through the AVR simulator.

Errors found while type checking and building the symbol table

Your compiler should produce error messages for doubly defined symbols, e.g. for PA6dupnameserror.java:
[23,16] Redefined symbol A
[27,17] Redefined symbol run
[40,16] Redefined symbol B
[45,17] Redefined symbol foo
[51,21] Redefined symbol run
[57,7] Redefined symbol A
Errors found while building symbol table

Code Generation

Your allocVars visitor now annotates the instance and local variables in the symbol table with offset and base information. This information is used by the AVR code generator to handle the new language features.

See the Meggy Sim instructions for usage notes. For more details about the instructions see the 08-MeggyJrSimple-n-AVR.txt notes. Design, implement, and test the symbol table and related classes step wise..

Submitting the Assignment

Late Policy

Late assignments will be accepted up to 48 hours past the due date for a 10% deduction. The assignment will not be accepted past this period. Late means anything after 11:59pm on the day the assignment is due, including 12 midnight.