Homework 1 - Turn It On and Press Run. Due February 6.


In this homework assignment you're going to demonstrate to the instructor that you have a working programming environment that enables you to experiment with OpenCV tutorials/demos. This homework has a relatively short time frame and should also not be overly taxing. to promote a bit of diversity among the examples, there is a constraint that each student find a different tutorial as opposed to everyone jumping on the same tutorial.

Selecting a Tutorial/Example

Please review the demos and tutorials available on the web for those who are starting to learn OpenCV. Next, please add using the online notetaking system your selection of tutorial along with your name. Once you have published your selection in this fashion, it becomes yours. Recognize, that means there is some modest incentive to do this sooner not later, as you want to avoid selecting a tutorial that has already been selected by another student. Also, avoid the tutorials already presented in class as well as the tutorial on Fourier transforms. The reason for the latter prohibition is that we will be using that one in class and in the first major programming assignment.

Presenting your Running Tutorial

There is no actual material that you need to submit in order to complete this homework. Instead, you will sit down one-on-one with the instructor and run your selected tutorial/demonstration in your own environment. That may be your CS account on the CS department UNIX machines. That may be your own laptop. That choice is entirely up to you. These presentations will be made on Friday, February 6. A schedule will be drawn up for these presentations on Wednesday February 4th.