Sanjay Rajopadhye
Office: 340 CS Building
Office Hours: T,Th 11-12
Nirmal Prajapati
Office: 335 CS Building
Office Hours: Th 8-9, Th 12-1
Lecture Time and Place:
9:30-10:45, Tu, Th, CSB Room 325

This is a graduate level course on parallel computing with the objective to familiarize students with the fundamental concepts, techniques and tools of parallel computing. Participation in this course will enable you to better use parallel computing in your application area, and will prepare you to take advanced courses in more specific areas of parallel computing. The schedule tab contains the weekly schedule, links to lecture notes, quizzes, homework, etc. In addition, the actual discussions will be taking place on the Piazza, which many of us have found to be much more convenient than RamCT.

  • [23 Jan 2014, 6:05pm] HW0 deadline has been staggered. HW0A is due Wednesday 29 January 2014@23:55. HW0B and HW0C are due Wednesday 5 February 2014@23:55.
  • [17 Jan 2014, 7:30pm] Sanjay is traveling the first day of class, Nirmal will review HW0 for on campus students and answer questions, there will be no online video.
Notes on structure: there are 5 main tabs
  • The "Home" tab has late breaking news and announcements
  • The "Syllabus" tab has the standard, permanent course information: outline, prerequisites, structure, grading criteria, etc.
  • The "Schedule" tab is the main nerve center. It has the chronological structure of the class, including readings, lecture topics, links to lecture videos, and the assignments.
  • The other Checkin and RamCT tabs are self explanatory