#include #include #include #include "Debug.h" int debugLevel = 0; FILE* debugFile = 0; static const char* prefix = "-debug"; /** This routine will initialize the variables from the arguments * passed to main(). If the first argument is, or starts with * -debug the class is initialized and the first parameter is * removed from the args. The first parameter may have one of * three forms: *
  1. -debug - turn on debugging at level 1
  2. *
  3. -debugValue - set debugging level to Value * (e.g. -debug5)
  4. *
  5. -debugValue@fileName set debugging level to Value * and send debugging output to the file fileName. If you use * this option, the file must b closed using debugClose().
  6. *
* On return, argc and argv[] may be modified. * @param argc - the number of parameters passed to main * @param args the array of arguments passed to main */ void debugInit (int* argc, const char* argv[]) { debugFile = stderr; if (*argc > 1) { const char* arg1 = argv[1]; size_t len = strlen(prefix); if (strncmp(arg1, prefix, len) == 0) { debugLevel = 1; char* ats = strchr(arg1, '@'); if (ats) { *ats = '\0'; debugToFile(ats+1); } if (strlen(arg1) > len) debugLevel = atoi(arg1 + len); (*argc)--; // decrement number of arguments for (int i = 1; i < *argc; i++) // remove first argument argv[i] = argv[i+1]; } } } /** Send debugging output to a file. * @param fileName name of file to send output to */ void debugToFile (const char* fileName) { debugClose(); FILE* f = fopen(fileName, "w"); // "w+" ? if (f) debugFile = f; } /** Close the output file if it was set in toFile() */ void debugClose(void) { if (debugFile && (debugFile != stderr)) { fclose(debugFile); debugFile = stderr; } }