
Day Schedule Curriculum
1 Morning: 9am - 12pm Introductions, Beauty and Joy of Computing, Majoring in Computer Science, Computer Science as a Career
Lunch Lory Student Center
Afternoon: 1pm - 4pm What is a Computer, How Does it Work, Computers in Everyday Life, Lab: Logging in, Running Applications
2 Morning: 9am - 12pm How Do You Use Computers? Lab: Applications, Internet Browing, Office Tools, Games, How the Internet Works. HTML Lab Part 1
Lunch Lory Student Center
Afternoon: 1pm - 4pm More on How the Internet Works Lab: Make a Web Page using Word, HTML code (Images, Videos, Links), Multimedia.HTML Lab Part 2
3 Morning: 9am - 12pm Programming Languages, Using SCRATCH to Write Programs Lab: Environment for SCATCH, Help Writing a Simple Program
Lunch Lory Student Center
Afternoon: 1pm - 4pm SCRATCH Programming, Lab: Writing a Simple Game, Adding Graphics, Adding Movement, Loops, Conditionals
4 Morning: 9am - 12pm Field trip
Lunch Lory Student Center
Afternoon: 1pm - 4pm More Scratch Programming, Lab: Making Your Game More Fun, User Interaction, Adding Music, Playing a Video
5 Morning: 9am - 12pm More Scratch Programming, Lab: Writing Another Program
Lunch Lory Student Center
Afternoon: 1pm - 4pm Writing Software as a Creative Discipline, Computer Science is Relevant to Society Lab: Evaluations