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export PATH=/usr/local/anaconda/bin:$PATH

This is a tentative schedule of CS545 topics for Fall, 2020. This will be updated during the summer and as the fall semester continues.


Week Topic Material Reading Assignments
Week 1:
Aug 24 - Aug 28
Overview of course and the machine learning field. Reminder of how python is used in machine learning. 01 Introduction to CS545
02 Searching for Good Weights in a Linear Model
From Python to Numpy, Chapters 1 - 2
Scipy Lectures, Section 1
Visualization with Matplotlib
Deep Learning, Chapters 1 - 5.1.4


Week Topic Material Reading Assignments
Week 2:
Aug 31 - Sept 4
Review of gradients. A1.1 Polynomial Model due Friday, Sept 4th, at 10:00 PM
Week 3:
Sept 7 - Sept 11
Implementing neural networks with numpy to predict real-valued variables. Deriving gradients.
Week 4:
Sept 14 - Sept 18
Error gradients for neural networks as matrix equations.
Week 5:
Sept 21 - 25
Introduction to Pytorch and automatic differentation.


Week Topic Material Reading Assignments
Week 6:
Sept 28 - Oct 2
Neural Network class. Classification.
Week 7:
Oct 5 - Oct 9
Classification with multiple labels. Paper on need for causality
Week 8:
Oct 12 - Oct 16
Convolutional neural networks in numpy, pytorch and tensorflow.
Week 9:
Oct 19 - Oct 23
Convolutional nets.
Reinforcement learning.
Project proposal due at 10 pm Wednesday evening, October 21st.
Week 10:
Oct 26 - Oct 30
Reinforcement learning. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, by Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto, 2nd edition


Week Topic Material Reading Assignments
Week 11:
Nov 2 - Nov 6
Transfer learning in Reinforcement Learning
Natural language processing.
Week 12:
November 11 - 15
Natural Language Processing.
Deep learning application development.
How to Code the Transformer in Pytorch by Samuel Lynn-Evans
Week 13:
Nov 16 - Nov 20
Nov 23 - Nov 27 Fall Recess!


Week Topic Material Reading Assignments
Week 14:
Nov 30 - Dec 4
Week 15:
Dec 7 - Dec 11
Finals Week:
Dec 14 - Dec 18
Final Project Reports due 10pm Tuesday.
schedule.1598550042.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/27 11:40 (external edit)