
CS156: Intro to C, Part I                

Fall 2017                

My First C Program                

Your First C Program                

For this assignment, you will write a C program called ints.c. This program reads two numbers from the user, and produces a few arguably-interesting facts about the numbers. See the example output for the exact output expected from your program.                 

Here’s an outline for the program:                 


Here are a few example runs of the program. The “% ” is the command prompt, text like this is typed by the user, and the rest is from the program. (You don’t have to make it colored or underlined—that’s just how it looks here, so you can tell who does what.) Don’t be creative about your output—it must look exactly like this (except for the leading spaces):                 

    % c11 -Wall ints.c
    % ./a.out
    Two numbers, please: 123456 7
    Dividing 123456/7: 17636.571429
    Pos diff: 123449
    Divisible: only 123456
    % ./a.out
    Two numbers, please: 1 2
    Dividing 1/2: 0.500000
    Pos diff: 1
    Divisible: neither
    % ./a.out
    Two numbers, please: 5 -18
    Dividing 5/-18: -0.277778
    Pos diff: 23
    Divisible: only -18
    % ./a.out
    Two numbers, please: 0 42
    Dividing 0/42: 0.000000
    Pos diff: 42
    It's the answer!
    Divisible: both
    % ./a.out
    Two numbers, please: 0 0
    Dividing 0/0: against the rules.
    Pos diff: 0
    Divisible: both
    % ./a.out
    Two numbers, please: 5 0
    Dividing 5/0: against the rules.
    Pos diff: 5
    Divisible: only 0
    % ./a.out
    Two numbers, please: -3 3
    Dividing -3/3: -1.000000
    Pos diff: 6
    Divisible: neither


A Brief Conversation About Requirements                

How to submit your homework:                


    ~cs156/bin/checkin HW1 ints.c

or web checkin.                 

How to receive negative points:                

Turn in someone else’s work.                 

Modified: 2017-08-26T16:40                 

User: Guest                 

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