
CS156: Intro to C, Part I                

Fall 2017                

HW 4                

CS156 HW4: Strings, File I/O!                


For this assignment, you will write a program called reader.c that can display files and give information about their contents.                 

Prompt the user for one of four options:                 

    m: print this menu
    c: cat a text file
    i: get information about a text file
    q: quit

If the user chooses to get information or to cat a file, you will need to prompt for the filename.                 


If the user chooses to get information, the program will say how many lines are in the file, how many non-empty lines are in the file, and how many times “luc” (any mix of upper and lower case) occurs.                 

For the following data file:                 

    My dog Lucky

    is plucky!

This output would be produced:                 

    Lines: 3
    Non-empty: 2
    Lucs: 2

Sample Run                

In this sample run, the file bogus doesn’t exist, the file empty.txt has no lines, the file tiny.txt contains a single line with the letter 'x', the file dwarfs.txt contains the names of the seven dwarfs, and hamlet.txt contains Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. (These files are available in ~cs156/pub.)                 

Text like this is typed by the user.                 

%” is the shell prompt and not a part of your program.                 

    % c11 -Wall reader.c
    % ./a.out
    m: print this menu
    c: cat a text file
    i: get information about a text file
    q: quit
    Action: c
    Filename: bogus
    bogus doesn't end with .txt
    Action: c
    Filename: empty.txt
    Action: c
    Filename: tiny.txt
    Action: c
    Filename: dwarfs.txt
    Action: i
    Filename: bogus
    bogus doesn't end with .txt
    Action: i
    Filename: tiny.txt
    Lines: 1
    Non-empty: 1
    Lucs: 0
    Action: i
    Filename: dwarfs.txt
    Lines: 7
    Non-empty: 7
    Lucs: 0
    Action: i
    Filename: hamlet.txt
    Lines: 6045
    Non-empty: 4376
    Lucs: 9
    Action: i
    Filename: empty.txt
    That file is empty.
    Action: m
    m: print this menu
    c: cat a text file
    i: get information about a text file
    q: quit
    Action: q
    That is all.


How to submit your homework:                


    ~cs156/bin/checkin HW4 reader.c

How to receive negative points:                

Turn in someone else’s work.                 

Modified: 2017-09-28T09:42                 

User: Guest                 

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