CS161 -- Section 1 -- McConnell   

Overview  ·  Policies and Tips  ·  Schedule  ·  Resources  ·  RamCT


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The Eclipse IDE

This semester CS161 will be using the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing Java code. After a careful assessment of alternative IDE's for our Java courses, this has been selected as the most promising. A standard installation if Eclipse is (will shortly) be available on all CS Department Linux computers for use by CS160 students. As a default, it will be assumed that students use this version on CS Department Machines. Basics of how to use the Eclipse IDE productively will be covered somewhat in lecture and more extensively in course recitation.

Eclipse can be downloaded for free and installed on most platforms. Eclipse is written entirely in Java, so it will operate properly on most any platforms that supports Java. This includes Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X and properly configured Windows platforms. It is assumed that many students will find it possible to install and use Eclipse on their own computers, and the instructor and GTAs will try to help informally. However, successful installation and use of tools such as Eclipse on your own machine demands some understanding of how to install and use new software on that platform, and ultimately it falls to the individual student to either succeed at such an effort or to use the resources already provided by the CS Department. The help that can be offered by the instructor and GTAs is by necessity limited.

If Eclipse is not starting, please see this You can find many websites that provide help in using eclipse to develop java code. Here are some links to ones that are particularly useful.

Graphic Displays and Graphical User Interfaces with Java Swing


Java Documentation is available at the JavaDoc website.


Here is a nice explanation of assertions with examples.