public class LinkedBookList { private BookNode head; private int size; public LinkedBookList(){ head = null; size = 0; } public int size(){ return size; } //IMPLEMENT -- adds a book to the end of the linked list public void add(Book b){ return; } //IMPLEMENT -- adds a book at the specific index, or at the end if index is greater than size public void add(Book b, int index){ return; } //IMPLEMENT -- removes a book and returns it, or returns null if it is not present public Book remove(Book b){ return null; } //IMPLEMENT -- removes a book at a specific indexand returns it, //or returns null if it is not present public Book remove(int index){ return null; } //IMPLEMENT -- returns the total number of pages in the linked list public int totalPages(){ return 0; } public String toString() { String res = ""; return res; } }