// R18 Assignment // Author: Russ Wakefield // Date: Apr 9, 2017 // Class: CS163/164 // Email: waker@cs.colostate.edu public interface IR18 { /* Method: starString Precondition: x >= 1 (does not need to be checked) Postcondition: returns String containing x number of '*'s Requirement: starString must work recursively */ public String starString(int x); /* Method: starPattern Precondition: x >= 1 (does not need to be checked) Postcondition: prints the appropriate star pattern for the value of x Requirement: starPattern must work recursively Requirement: Uses a recursive helper method starString */ public void starPattern(int x); /* Method: palindrome Precondition: word is an instance of String Postcondition: returns true if word is a palindrome, and false otherwise Requirement: palindrome must work recursively */ public boolean palindrome(String word); }