CS253: Software Development with C++

Fall 2018


See this page as a slide show

CS253 Constructors

Big Picture

(The compiler also provides a move ctor, a move assignment operator, and a dtor, but we’re not ready to talk about those.)

Member Initialization

The Old Way

class Name {
    string first, last;
    Name() { first="John"; last="Doe"; }
    Name(string f) { first=f; last="Doe"; }
    Name(string f, string l) { first=f; last=l; }
    string full() const { return first + " " + last; }

Name a, b("Beyoncé"), c("Barack", "Obama");
cout << a.full() << '\n' << b.full() << '\n'
     << c.full() << '\n';
John Doe
Beyoncé Doe
Barack Obama

Member Initialization

Member initialization:

class Name {
    string first, last;
    Name() : first("John"), last("Doe") { }
    Name(string f) : first(f), last("Doe") { }
    Name(string f, string l) : first(f), last(l) { }
    string full() const { return first + " " + last; }

Name a, b("Beyoncé"), c("Barack", "Obama");
cout << a.full() << '\n' << b.full() << '\n'
     << c.full() << '\n';
John Doe
Beyoncé Doe
Barack Obama

Constructor Delegation


class Name {
    string first, last;
    Name() { Name("John"); } // ☠ ☠ ☠
    Name(string f) { Name(f, "Doe"); } // ☠ ☠ ☠
    Name(string f, string l) : first(f), last(l) { }
    string full() const { return first + " " + last; }

Name a, b("Beyoncé"), c("Barack", "Obama");
cout << a.full() << '\n' << b.full() << '\n'
     << c.full() << '\n';
Barack Obama



class Name {
    string first, last;
    Name() : Name("John") { }
    Name(string f) : Name(f, "Doe") {}
    Name(string f, string l) : first(f), last(l) { }
    string full() const { return first + " " + last; }

Name a, b("Beyoncé"), c("Barack", "Obama");
cout << a.full() << '\n' << b.full() << '\n'
     << c.full() << '\n';
John Doe
Beyoncé Doe
Barack Obama

Holy smokes—it’s the same syntax as member initialization!


Default member initialization

Sometimes, this is the best technique:

class Name {
    string first = "John", last = "Doe";
    Name() { }
    Name(string f) : first(f) {}
    Name(string f, string l) : first(f), last(l) { }
    string full() const { return first + " " + last; }

Name a, b("Beyoncé"), c("Barack", "Obama");
cout << a.full() << '\n' << b.full() << '\n'
     << c.full() << '\n';
John Doe
Beyoncé Doe
Barack Obama

There are no assignments here—it’s all initialization. b.first does not start as "John" and then get overwritten to "Beyoncé". And we didn’t repeat ourselves.


% cat ~cs253/Examples/Loud.h
// A “Loud” class.  It announces whenever its methods are called.

#include <iostream>

class Loud {
    char c;
    void hi(const char *s) const {
	std::cout << "Loud::" << s;
	if (c) std::cout << " [c='" << c << "']";
	std::cout << std::endl;  // flush debug output
    Loud(char ch = '\0') : c(ch) { hi("Loud()"); }
    ~Loud() { hi("~Loud()"); }
    Loud(const Loud &l) : c(l.c) { hi("Loud(const Loud &)"); }
    Loud(Loud &&l) : c(l.c) { hi("Loud(Loud &&)"); }
    Loud& operator=(const Loud &l) { c=l.c; hi("operator=(const Loud &)"); return *this; }
    Loud& operator=(Loud &&l) { c=l.c; hi("operator=(Loud &&)"); return *this; }
    Loud& operator=(char ch) { c = ch; hi("operator=(char)"); return *this; }
    Loud& operator++() { ++c; hi("operator++()"); return *this; }
    Loud operator++(int) { hi("operator++(int)"); const auto save = *this; ++*this; return save; }
    Loud operator+(const Loud &l) const { hi("operator+(const Loud &)"); return Loud(c+l.c); }

#endif /* LOUD_H_INCLUDED */


#include "Loud.h"

int main() {
    Loud a('x');
    Loud b(a);
    Loud c=a;
    Loud d();
    c = ++b;
Loud::Loud() [c='x']
Loud::Loud(const Loud &) [c='x']
Loud::Loud(const Loud &) [c='x']
Loud::operator++() [c='y']
Loud::operator=(const Loud &) [c='y']
Loud::~Loud() [c='y']
Loud::~Loud() [c='y']
Loud::~Loud() [c='x']

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Modified: 2018-07-09T19:06

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