CS253: Software Development with C++

Fall 2018

Order Of Evaluation

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CS253 Order Of Evaluation

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Basic Expressions

Consider the expression a+b, which parses as:

        			 │ + │
        			 ⠌   ⠡
        			⠌     ⠡
        		    ┌───┐     ┌───┐
        		    │ a │     │ b │
        		    └───┘     └───┘

Basic Expressions

How does a+b*c parse?

                  ┌───┐                       ┌───┐
                  │ * │                       │ + │
                  └───┘                       └───┘
                  ⠌   ⠡                       ⠌   ⠡
                 ⠌     ⠡                     ⠌     ⠡
             ┌───┐     ┌───┐             ┌───┐     ┌───┐
             │ + │     │ c │             │ a │     │ * │
             └───┘     └───┘             └───┘     └───┘
             ⠌   ⠡                                 ⠌   ⠡
            ⠌     ⠡                               ⠌     ⠡
        ┌───┐     ┌───┐                       ┌───┐     ┌───┐
        │ a │     │ b │                       │ b │     │ c │
        └───┘     └───┘                       └───┘     └───┘

The right-hand side, of course. * has higher precedence than +.

Basic Expressions

Let’s use parentheses. How does (a+b)*c parse?

                  ┌───┐                       ┌───┐
                  │ * │                       │ + │
                  └───┘                       └───┘
                  ⠌   ⠡                       ⠌   ⠡
                 ⠌     ⠡                     ⠌     ⠡
             ┌───┐     ┌───┐             ┌───┐     ┌───┐
             │ + │     │ c │             │ a │     │ * │
             └───┘     └───┘             └───┘     └───┘
             ⠌   ⠡                                 ⠌   ⠡
            ⠌     ⠡                               ⠌     ⠡
        ┌───┐     ┌───┐                       ┌───┐     ┌───┐
        │ a │     │ b │                       │ b │     │ c │
        └───┘     └───┘                       └───┘     └───┘

The left-hand side, of course. Parentheses mean “do this first”.



              │ * │
              ⠌   ⠡
             ⠌     ⠡
         ┌───┐     ┌───┐
         │ + │     │ c │
         └───┘     └───┘
         ⠌   ⠡
        ⠌     ⠡
    ┌───┐     ┌───┐
    │ a │     │ b │
    └───┘     └───┘


              │ * │
              ⠌   ⠡
             ⠌     ⠡
         ┌───┐     ┌───┐
         │ + │     │ c │
         └───┘     └───┘
         ⠌   ⠡
        ⠌     ⠡
    ┌───┐     ┌───┐
    │ a │     │ b │
    └───┘     └───┘

Possible orders of evaluation:

  1. a, b, c, +, *
  2. a, b, +, c, *
  3. a, c, b, +, *
  4. b, a, c, +, *
  5. b, a, +, c, *
  6. b, c, a, +, *
  7. c, a, b, +, *
  8. c, b, a, +, *

Who Cares?

Some Operators Are Different

A user-defined operation (e.g., operator+) does not have order determined, because it’s a function called with two arguments. The order of evaluation of function arguments is unspecified.


This example is bad. Don’t do this:

int n = 1;
cout << ++n * ++n << endl;
c.cc:2: warning: operation on 'n' may be undefined

Another bad example

Don’t do this, either:

short nums[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};

short *p = nums;
cout << *p++ << ' ';
cout << *p++ << '\n';

p = nums;
cout << *p++ << ' ' << *p++ << '\n';
c.cc:8: warning: operation on 'p' may be undefined
1 2
1 2

Why not?

Why not? Because, in both cases, the variable is being modified twice in the same expression.

Another Example

int a() { cout << 'A'; return 1; }
int b() { cout << 'B'; return 2; }

int main() {
    cout << a()+b() << '\n';    // Might print AB3 or BA3.
    cout << a() << b() << '\n'; // Might print A1B2, AB12, BA12
    return 0;

Experiments don’t matter

You cannot determine the “correct” result by experimentation.

How to do it right

Break apart expressions, perhaps using explicit temporaries, to determine the order of evaluation of sub-expressions:

int a() { cout << 'A'; return 1; }
int b() { cout << 'B'; return 2; }

int main() {
    int c = a();        // Will print A
    c += b();           // Will print B
    cout << a();        // Will print A1
    cout << b();        // Will print B2
    return 0;

User: Guest

Edit History Source

Modified: 2018-08-23T08:10

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