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CS253: Problem Solving with C++

Spring 2014

Separate Compilation

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Separate Compilation

It’s often useful to separate the class interface (*.h) from the class implementation (*.cc):


Foo.h Foo.cc

#include <iostream>

class Foo {
    int get_data() const;
    double data;

std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, const Foo &);

#endif /* FOO_H_INCLUDED */
#include "Foo.h"

using namespace std;

Foo::Foo() : data(42.0) {

int Foo::get_data() const {
    return data;

ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Foo &f) {
    return os << f.get_data();


The *.h file only contains the method declarations (signatures), function declarations (for non-member functions & operators) and declarations of data members. The *.cc file contains the actual code for the methods and functions. Neither one contains main.


  1. The users of your class are only interested in the interface, not the implementation.
  2. This enables the class to be compiled separately. For example, if the class is part of a product that you sell, you can deliver only Foo.h and Foo.o to your customers. This keeps your implementation source code out of your customer’s hands.


Compile the code like this:

    g++ -Wall main.cc Foo.cc

Note that you should not compile the *.h file. That will result in a *.gch (compiled header) file, which will cause no end of trouble. Remove it if you ever find it.

If you do this with a Makefile, make sure to have main.cc also depend upon Foo.h. After all, if you change Foo.h (say, by adding a member variable) then you must recompile main.cc, because the size of Foo has changed.

Modified: 2014-03-04T11:34

User: Guest

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