
CS253: Software Development with C++                

Spring 2017                

HW 7                

CS253 HW7: Operators!                


For this assignment, you will enhance U and P by adding a few operators.                 


In the examples that follow, assume that u is a U object, p is a P object, and s is a std::string object.                 

Your classes must have the same methods as described in HW6. In addition, you must define:                 

Const-correctness, both arguments & methods, is your job. For example, it must be possible to concatenate two const U objects.                 

Concatenation and Appending                

Concatenating two U objects, or a U and a std::string, produces a U object. It contains the characters from the left-hand-side object, followed by the characters from the right-hand-side object.                 


When comparing two U objects, or a U and a std::string, only compare the accumulated characters. Compare them in the normal way that std::string objects are usually compared.

Sample Run                

Here is a sample run, where % is my shell prompt:                 

    % cat main.cc
    #include "U.h"
    #include "P.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cassert>
    using namespace std;
    const string pub="/s/bach/a/class/cs253/pub/";   // ~ only works in shells

    int main() {
        U u;
        u = "a";
        u += " \u263a";				// happy face (lowercase u)
            U u2;
            const string space = " ";
            u2 += space;
            u2.append("\U0001f42e");		// cow face (uppercase U)
            u += u2;
        const U u3 = u;
        assert(u3.size() == 5);
        assert(u3[0] == "a");			// Let’s start easy.
        assert(u3.codepoint(2) == 0x263a);	// happy face is U+263a
        assert(u3.codepoint(4) == 0x1f42e);	// cow is U+1f42e
        assert(u3 == u);
        assert(u3 == "a \u263a \U0001f42e");
        assert("a \u263a \U0001f42e" == u3);
        assert("☮☮☮" != u3);			// Cows are peaceful, but …
        cout << "A happy cow: " << u3 << endl;  // a ☺ 🐮	
        					// (If your terminal manages it)
        P p;
        for (int i=0; i<u3.size(); i++)
        assert(p.size() == 29);
        cout << "There are " << p.size() << " distinct properties.\n";
    % g++ -Wall main.cc U.cc P.cc
    % ./a.out
    A happy cow: a ☺ 🐮
    There are 29 distinct properties.


The requirements are the same as HW6, plus:                 



If you have any questions about the requirements, ask. In the real world, your programming tasks will almost always be vague and incompletely specified. Same here.                 

How to submit your homework:                

You will turn in at least four files:

That’s a lot of files, so construct a tar file, like this:

    tar -cvf hw7.tar U.cc U.h P.cc P.h other-files

and turn it in.                 

Use web checkin, or Linux checkin:                 

    ~cs253/bin/checkin HW7 hw7.tar

How to receive negative points:                

Turn in someone else’s work.                 

Modified: 2017-04-16T16:01                 

User: Guest                 

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