.ORIG x3000 ; ADD is pretty intuitive: ; Set R1 and R2 to some values before running this instruction. ADD R0,R1,R2 ; R0 = R1 + R2 ; You can add an 'immediate' value to it as well: ADD R0,R0,#1 ; R0++ ; The immediate value is signed, too ADD R0,R0,#-1 ; R0-- ; Or, you can use hex: ADD R0,R0,x-1 ; R0-- ; Note that you can't do ADD R0,R0,xFFFF, or any similar alternative. ; Even though -1 is FFFF, it simply doesn't work. ; ADD can do some pretty cool things, however: ADD R0,R0,R0 ; R0 + R0 = 2*R0 = R0 << 1 HALT .END