; Semicolons denote a comment in LC3 assembly. just like // ; The LC3 assembly language/simulator take the form of 16-bit addressable memory. ; All instructions and data are in this memory, with no distinction between the two. ; This first line of code is an assembler directive that tells us what address to ; start our program at, and is required for all programs. .ORIG x3000 ADD R0,R0,R0 ; This is just a sample instruction HALT ; We use HALT to stop our programs. ; You can treat it like the end of a main function. .FILL x1000 ; The .FILL directive tells the assembler to put ; a predefined value into a memory space. .END ; .END tells the assembler that it's done, and it also required for every ; program. ; Aseemble this program and open it in the simulator. Notice that the ADD instruction ; is at memory address x3000, just like we told it to. ; What does the simulator say for the .FILL value? Why?