
The purpose of this exercise is for you to learn how to write programs using the CUDA programming interface, how to run such programs using an NVIDIA graphics processor (GP GPU general purpose Graphics Processing Unit), and how to think about the factors that govern the performance of programs running within the CUDA environment.

Compiling and Running a CUDA Program

See Lab 5 for information on compiling and running CUDA Programs. Run all experiments on the fish machines. *** Do not use wahoo for your CUDA experiments. ***

For this assignment, you will modify two provided CUDA kernels and empirically test and analyze their performance.

Download PA5.tar. This contains a general Makefile, starter and timing files for your exercises.

Vector MAX: coalescing memory accesses

The provided kernel is part of a program that performs vector MAX reduction. Notice that the MAX operator is commutative, i.e., MAX(a,b) = MAX(b,a), and associative, i.e., MAX(a,MAX(b,c)) = MAX(MAX(a,b),c). This means that you can execute MAXs in any order, so you can apply the coalescing thread transformation you experimented with in Lab 5. In the provided kernel each thread computes one maximum of a contiguous partition of the input array and writes it to global memory. The host mem copies the result back, and computes the max of all maxes.

Given a 1D grid of 80 threadblocks and a 1D threadblock of 128 threads, and a problem size n = 1,280,000,000, each thread computes the maximum of 125,000 elements. The input array is of size n, whereas the result array is of size n/125,000, in this case 80*128= 10240.

In your modified kernel each thread will read, in a coalescing fashion, n / 80*128 interleaved global array elements. In the case of n=1,280,000,000, each thread reads again 125,000 elements. Leave the grid and threadblock dims the same. Again, each thread computes one maximum, of a now interleaved partition. The intermediate maxes computed by the GPU threads will be different from the ones computed by the original kernel. However, the max of maxes computed by the host will be the same as the original max of maxes.

Measure and report the difference in performance of the two codes.

Additional files, relevant to this part of the PA are:

  • vecMaxKernel.h

You will write a new device kernel, called, to compute vector maxima using coalesced memory reads. Change the makefile to compile a program called vecMax01 using your kernel rather than the provided kernel.

Shared / shared CUDA Matrix Multiply

The first exercise made you aware of coalescing and its performance enhancement. The main exercise performs matrix multiplication.

The tar file above provides the following files for Matmult:

  • matmultKernel.h

Running make produces a binary called matmult00 and it is invoked like this,

$ ./matmult00 X

where X controls the problem size (i.e., the matrices are NxN matrices of size N=X*FOOTPRINT_SIZE). FOOTPRINT_SIZE is defined in matmultKernel.h. This is done to avoid nasty padding issues. If you run it with X=100 for example, then you see this,

$ ./matmult00 100
Data dimensions: 1600x1600
Grid Dimensions: 100x100
Block Dimensions: 16x16
Footprint Dimensions: 16x16
Time: 0.017199 (sec), nFlops: 8192000000, GFlopsS: 476.305669
The "Grid Dimensions" represent the number of CUDA thread blocks being used and matches the value passed as X. The "Block Dimensions" represent the size of each CUDA thread block (i.e., the number of threads per block). This is controlled by the compile time constant BLOCK_SIZE in matmultKernel.h. The "Footprint dimensions" represent the size of the patch of C computed by each CUDA block. This is controlled by FOOTPRINT_SIZE. In the provided matmult00 implementation, the FOOTPRINT_SIZE and BLOCK_SIZE are the same which means that each thread updates a single element of C.

Your task is to modify the kernel, (copy into, and produce a new binary matmult01 where each thread updates more than one element of C, based on the values of FOOTPRINT_SIZE and BLOCK_SIZE. For example, in order to have each thread update 4 elements of its block's patch, then you would set FOOTPRINT_SIZE to twice that of BLOCK_SIZE. Your submitted code should have each thread compute 4 values in the resulting C matrix.

Here is an example of running the solution code's matmult01,

$ ./matmult01 100
Data dimensions: 3200x3200 
Grid Dimensions: 100x100 
Block Dimensions: 16x16 
Footprint Dimensions: 32x32 
Time: 0.108151 (sec), nFlops: 65536000000, GFlopsS: 605.967812
Notice that parameter 100 now creates a 100*32 = 3200 square matrix problem, because the footprint has become 32x32. Also notice a nice speedup.

Investigate how each of the following factors influences performance of matrix multiplication in CUDA:

  • The size of matrices to be multiplied
  • The size of the block computed by each thread block
You should time the initial code provided and your modifed version using square matrices of each of the following sizes: 1600, 3200, 6400. The easiest way to update the footprint size for matmult01 is to add the flag -DFOOTPRINT_SIZE=32 to the lines in your makefile where you compile matmult01.


Use any GPU in the CS325 lab.
  1. Collect and compare the time vecMax00 and vecMax01 take with problem size n = 1,280,000,000.
  2. Collect and compare the time matmult00 and matmult01 take for square matrices of size: 1600x1600, 3200x3200, 6400x6400.
  3. For matmult00 and matmult01, investigate how each of the following factors influences performance:
    • The size of matrices to be multiplied
    • The size of the block computed by each thread block
  4. Can you formulate any rules of thumb for obtaining good performance when using CUDA?


Submit a PA5.tar file through Checkin, containing:
  • report.pdf
  • Makefile
  • matmultKernel.h
  • vecMaxKernel.h
Use "make tar" to make the tar file.
See the Grading Rubric.