CS475 Lab 0: Taking Notes

This lab session is intended to expose you to Cathie Olschanowsky's system for taking notes in lectures. It is one of many methods, and every one of you may have already developed your own system. However, in case you don't this little exercise will give you some tools.

  1. Watch the first 13:28 minutes of Sanjay's 2015 guest lecture in CS 475. As you are watching it, take notes using whatever system you currently use. At 808th second (13:28), we will stop and discuss.
  2. Next, we will see Swetha taking notes, using Cathie's system. The scanned copy of the notes is available for your reference.
  3. Next we discuss in the lab what worked for you and what did not. How would you adapt it for yourself. Jot down these points, since you will be discussing this with your group in discussion D0.
  4. Practice on taking notes in the rest of the lecture. The subject matter should be accessibe to all of you (it does not use any "new" material)