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2/5/10 - We had a discussion in class regarding how to model the camera in the ray tracer. Suggested method:

VRP = [x y z] and VRP = [x' y' z'] (Ross suggests setting VRP = [0 0 -1]. VRP.VPN = 1

To calculate field of view, if focal length = 10 and iw =2, fov = 2 arctan 1/10

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Bigger aperture lets in more light. It is also harder to focus the image. Smaller apertures lead to more focused images. This affects the depth of view.

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In a thick lens model, the light would bend upon entering the lens and then bend again upon leaving. In the case of a thin lens model, there is a plane that vertically cuts the lens in half and light bends at that part of the lens only.

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Needs to be cleaned up.

Y/Z = y/f , Y/f = y/z

y = Yf/Z

y = Yz/f = Yf/Z

z/f = f/Z



zZ = f^2

The boxed equation is called the 'lensmakers equation' and is discussed here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lens_(optics)

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We ended here on Monday February 8.

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d represents size of aperture
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P is the intersection of 2 rays shot through the thin lens from p. (see next slide)
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