Recitation Project / Assignment #1

Style Up Your Personal Web Site

Due: Monday Feb 1, 2016 - 11:55pm

Last update 10:45AM 1-27-16 (Ross)

Create your personal website in your CS account.

Presuming you do not currently have a homepage on your CS Department account, these are the basic instructions for creating such a file:

  • cd
  • mkdir public_html
  • chmod a+x ./public_html
  • cd public_html

Create two web pages - a homepage by name "index.html" and another web page by name "other.html". You should be able to navigate between one page from the other. It's upto you to decide what information goes into these pages. As this website is publicly accessible from cs department domain, make sure that the information is presented in a professional way. Create an external style sheet "mystyle1.css". Link the web pages to a single CSS file called "mystyle1.css". Avoid inline style directives, and if this does not yet make sense it will soon.

Create a second version of these webpages, index2.html and other2.html. Create another external style sheet "mystyle2.css". Redefine all the style information so that the look and feel of each web page changes completely. Link the second version of web pages to a single CSS file called "mystyle2.css". The contents of the paired index and other files are IDENTICAL with the exception for the link attribute change the name of the style file. The contents of the paired index and other files are IDENTICAL with only two exceptions. First, the link to the style file obviously changes. Second, links between the pages must change so that the two differently styled versions point to the appropriate companion page for the particular version: version 1 or 2. Thus, the two versions in html differ by exactly one character: a ‘1’ becomes a ‘2’.

Also, your page must contain one or more examples of the following HTML constructs, in other words, tags.

  1. Title of the page.
  2. Meta tags for author, description and keywords.
  3. Embed in other.html (and other2.html), any video from Youtube that relates to your content.
  4. Your image. On the index.html (and index2.html).
  5. A link to another site, for example the CS Department Homepage.
  6. A list.

Your CSS file should redefine:

  1. The font and color of HTML body
  2. The default font color and the font family of the HTML body.
  3. Border styling attributes for the video frame.
  4. The style of link (anchor).
  5. Background of your page.
  6. Placement and size of your image.

You will submit a single tar file "lastname.tar" with all the required files. Submission will be through Canvas.

To do this assignment, please use a text editor and type all the necessary tags by hands. Please do not use any web development application to create your home page. Your work will be tested with Chrome on department machines.

Grading Criteria:
  1. Your HTML and CSS should not be generated by any web development appilcation.
  2. CSS files should be a separate files.
  3. Your site should appear as your Department Homepage or be obviously reachable from it (15 points).
  4. 5 points per each HTML tags listed above (30 points).
  5. 5 points per each CSS definitions in “mystyle1.css” (25 points).
  6. Navigation between two web pages (10 points).
  7. Redefining all the style information in “mystyle2.css” (10 points).
  8. W3C validation (10 points).