Assignment #8

HTML5 Canvas Drawing

Due: April 25, 2016 11:55 P.M

This assignment requires you to make use of HTML5 drawing capabilities on the Canvas. You'll build a page highlighting a canvas with an interesting animated drawing.

Absolute Requirements
  1. There must be at least five distinct visual components on the Canvas
  2. The Canvas must include animation with at least one component changing over time
  3. Demonstrate use of both fill and stroke properties
  4. Demonstrate the use of semi-transparent components
Requirements with choices (you can always do both)
  1. Use an image as a background
  2. Use at least one gradient filled component

You must have at least 3 of these components: Rectangle, Arc, Text, Image (drawImage)

Any example too close to something handed out in class will attract penalty. To be clear, you may use with attribution code provided in class, but if your final looks lie the spinny example using green circles, do not expect full credit. Each student is asked to create a single tar or zip file containing their entire website. These must be submitted to Canvas before the due date and time. Your work will be tested with Chrome on department machines. Please host it on your CS account and provide the URL to your page as a comment during the Canvas submission.

Addendum (last updated 4/18/2016)

No updates at this time.