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This link may be relevant for future lectures... because it has to do with sheep.... In hot air balloons... link (Edited by Eli Tatro 2/12/2016)
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The eyedropper tool is handy if you want to sample a color from the webpage.

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http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_margin.asp explains about margin shorthand, which allows it to be written on one line rather than having to type out margin-left, margin-right, etc. Padding can also be writeen out with this same shorthand.

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An alternate way to make sure that the image stays within the box is to apply overflow: hidden; to .contents. That will force the contents box to be larger than all of the elements within it. The difference in appearance is that .sheepFeet will float left of the image and not appear fixed at the bottom as it does when the clear fix is applied.

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