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The link to Go Code Colorado is here .
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While it can be great to understand what a language can do, it can be equally helpful to understand exactly what it can't do, or doesn't do well. Here is a resource with some of this information: http://www.ukuug.org/events/linux2002/papers/html/php/index.html
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We are all used to W3Schools by now for HTML and CSS, so I find it useful to use W3Schools for PHP. This can be used as a third resource option. W3Schools PHP Tutorials.
Here is a useful link to the exact page shown in the slide for easy access. This is a very helpful website!
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This is a Whois service. There is a lot of websites that offers free Whois service. Whois shows info about domains or IP addresses ownership. Reverse DNS translates IP addresses in usually FQDNs. The link that Ross requested today (2/5/16) in class. Pretty Interesting!

If you purchase your own domain, make sure you use a provider that allows you to conceal your personal information. Whois can show all the information you gave to the provider when you purchased your domain. Most hosts will offer free Whois protection, hiding your information and substituting fields with the company's information. (I ran into this issue with all of my info being publicly available with a Whois).
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The form information that submitted will be sent with the The Hypertext Transfer Protocol "HTTP" method and it will be for processing to a PHP.
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Don't forget to sanitize any user input you take in. You wouldn't want a hacker throwing some garbage input into your beautiful PHP code and break your website, would you?

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