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This is a really helpfull video that I found that gives a very brief overview on JQuery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4UZVbQ8md0
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'#' denotes an ID to search for in HTML, '.' denotes a class to search for in HTML

'$' is used to access jQuery and (as stated above) jQuery uses CSS syntax to access different elements.

I found that you can use a similar function to change the actual CSS styling of an HTML object- see this example from W3Schools: $("p").css("color", "red");

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Using // should work in all modern browsers

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The .html() function is used to set or return the content of the selected html elements (the inner HTML)

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$(document).ready(function(){ ... }); Allows the entire page to load before any jQuery is executed.

furthermore the document.ready() is called as soon as the DOM is ready