Project Milestone 4

This project milestone spec will be improved as part of our weekly usergroup meetings in the course. For now, it is a basic framework so that we can begin asking questions.


In this milestone, we will be focusing on these key features:

  1. Private Data Modeling
  2. Data Visualization
  3. Improve Comment Feature
  4. Hospital Ranking

Private Data Modeling

Add a data management page to your application.

On this page, a logged-in user can add private data for a hospital by uploading a file

The file format will be decided in usergroup meetings and all groups must adhere to it. Each group will propose a format on Friday, April 19.

Then, when a user selects that hospital for a VBP Report, give them the option to switch to the private data.

Data Visualization

You will pick one of two data visualization options.

DV Option 1: D3 Graph

Using the D3 JavaScript Graphing Library, show a graph of this hospital's baseline and performance scores for each measure compared to the threshold and benchmark for that measure (and floor, if HCAHPS).

It is up to you to choose an appropriate chart type.

DV Option 2: Excel Export

Using OpenTBS (Tiny But Strong), create an excel export for VBP reports.

This report must include all VBP information for the current scenario (saved or unsaved). It should be a one click download and should stream the file to the user.

Improved Comments

Clear all comments from previous milestones.

Your comments now appear "Reddit Style". That means you can add new top-level comments and reply to previous comments. Keep track of which user entered each comment and when. Only they can edit/delete. Show the timestamp the comment was submitted and the user's username with the comment (you can use everything before the @ sign of the emails). Users can also vote on comments, saying they were helpful or unhelpful. Users cannot vote on their own comments (but count them as having voted their comment as helpful). Keep track of and show each comment's score. Order replies at the same level by their comment rating, highest towards the top. When a comment is edited, show that it was and at what time. A deleted comment is replaced by a placeholder saying "[deleted]" and now no longer shows anything else (timestamp, username, etc...) nor does it allow votes or show a score. Replies to deleted comments are preserved. Treat deleted comments as having a negative infinity point value for sorting. Order them arbitrarily within other deleted comments.

Hospital Ranking Icon

Hospitals and their patients have started noticing the quality of your analytics. Some top hospitals have contacted you to see if there was an icon they could display that shows that they are a good hospital according to your company's analytics.

You must design a logo to give these hospitals. Specifically:

  • The logo must be in an appropriate image format
  • The logo shall be non-rectangular and have a transparent background
  • It should appear as an award or seal. Something a hospital would proudly display on their website
  • Any hospital with a VBP TPS of 80/100 or higher shall have this seal awarded
  • Additionally, two hospitals have already been identified as deserving the award. Always display the award for:
    • 060010 Poudre Valley Hospital

Maintain existing features

All previous features shall be maintained.

Project Deliverable

Your site must make full use of the Fuel PHP Framework, using Fuel MVC for all pages.

Your site must make use a backend database for all data storage

Your deliverable is a tar file named groupX.tar where X is your group's number. Your tar will contain all of your models, views, controllers, and other associated files. It must also include a folder named "sql" that has Migration Files to apply all DB changes from your M3 submission to this submission. You need not include any Fuel framework files, they shouldn't be changed other than minor configuration updates.

Your site must be available on the local_html server at ~eid/ct310/m4/ (this will automatically load index.php which will automatically call your default controller/action)

Each team member must host the working site on their local_html directory accessable by the URL ~eid/ct310/m4

Peer Effort Review

After the assignment is submitted, there will be a report in canvas where you will divide 100 points of effort between your 4 or 5 group members. If everyone contributed evenly, you will give them 100/n points (20 or 25 depending on group size). You will also have an opportunity to comment on each group member's participation. The instructor will take those points into account when assigning group effort scores for each project milestone.

Grading Criteria

  • Submission submitted correctly, files correct, named correctly (10%)
    • Browser Compatibility: Site will work in the latest version of modern browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, IE, Safari
  • Data Visualization (20%)
  • Comment Improvements (20%)
  • Private Data Modeling (20%)
  • Seal of Excellence (10%)
  • Peer Effort Review (20%)