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Recitation 16 - Fuel Authentication

In this recitation, we will:

Javascript quiz Thursday! Be sure to have Part 1 done by then!

Authentication Packages with in Fuel: SimpleAuth, OrmAuth

Contains drivers that handle users, groups, roles, and permissions


Similar to SimpleAuth, but uses a database to store all its data

Allows for direct assignment of permissions to users/groups and other features to provide a more "fine-grained permission system".

I recommend you download this template site to understand how to set up Ormauth. Later, you can then incorporate it into your own Fuel site!

Here are the files for this example

To set up OrmAuth, we need to run a couple of terminal commands using "oil", a utility that comes with Fuel... but can't be installed without valid permission.

We'll do something a bit "hacky" to set up everything

  1. Edit the "Auth" configuration files
  2. Find and copy these files: /fuel/packages/auth/config/auth.php and /fuel/packages/auth/config/ormauth.php; to your main /fuel/app/config/ folder.

    Change the "driver" option in /fuel/app/config/auth.php on line 25 from Simpleauth to Ormauth (case-sensitive!). For now, change your "salt" option to an empty string.

  3. Edit App config file
  4. In /fuel/app/config/config.php, we'll need to uncomment parts of the "always_load" section.

    The lines that need to be uncommented are 262, 275-278, and 314. It should look similar to what is below:

    	/* Always Load                                                            */
    	'always_load'  => array(    <----262
    		 * These packages are loaded on Fuel's startup.
    		 * You can specify them in the following manner:
    		 * array('auth'); // This will assume the packages are in PKGPATH
    		 * // Use this format to specify the path to the package explicitly
    		 * array(
    		 *     array('auth'	=> PKGPATH.'auth/')
    		 * );
    		'packages'  => array(    <----275
    		 * These modules are always loaded on Fuel's startup. You can specify them
    		 * in the following manner:
        ),        <----314
  5. Fix "hash_equals" error
  6. PHP versions prior to 5.6 don't have the "hash_equals" function, so we'll add one into the /fuel/core/classes/crypt.php file. Add the following code around line 370.

    if(!function_exists('hash_equals')) {
        function hash_equals($str1, $str2) {
            if(strlen($str1) != strlen($str2)) {
                return false;
            else {
                $res = $str1 ^ $str2;
                $ret = 0;
                for($i = strlen($res) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
                    $ret |= ord($res[$i]);
                return !$ret;
  7. Database Tables
  8. First things first, change you fuel/app/config/development/db.php to have your database credentials

    Download this file: Create-Tables queries

    This file contains all the queries for the tables OrmAuth assumes already exist

    Create an action called "action_createtables" in one of your main controllers

    Copy the contents of the above file and paste it inside the new action

    Navigate to the corresponding webpage by typing in the action's URL to run the PHP code and create your tables. You should see a map printed out onto a white webpage.

    If for some reason your action fails to create the tables properly, use this Drop-Tables queries file to clean up your database and start again.

Ormauth, and its tables, have now been added!

  1. Controller Code
  2. Copy the code from the actions file and add it to your Fuel page.

  3. View Code
  4. Add the files in the view folder to your own

Once you've followed these steps, navigate to your "register" page and create a user.

Take a look at my working basic hospital example!

It now requires for a user to sign in before viewing any other pages