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Recitation 7 - FuelPHP

In this recitation, we will:

What is FuelPHP?

  1. Download the zip file from this link: http://fuelphp.com/files/download/41
  2. Unzip the zip file. The resulting extracted folder should be named fuelphp-1.8 or something similar.
  3. Copy the folder named fuel from fuelphp-1.8 and paste it in your home directory (not public_html, should be named with your EID). This will be our frameworks base folder.
  4. Make a folder named ct310 inside your local_html folder.
  5. Copy all contents of fuelphp-1.8/public to your ct310 folder.
  6. Set permissions to ct310 and the fuel base folder to 755.
    • Using chmod with the -R flag will apply permissions recursively to all contained files and folders
  7. Open the file named index.php that currently resides in your local_html/ct310.
  8. Inside the file, replace all occurrences of __DIR__.'/../fuel/ to __DIR__.'/../../fuel/.
    • There should be 3 occurrences in total
  9. Hit http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~/[EID]/ct310 in your web browser. The framework homepage should now open successfully and you should see something like this:
  10. fuel defaul welcome page