
CT320: Network and System Administration                

Fall 2016                

Windows Installation                

CT320: Windows Installation and Dual Boot                


  1. Learn to install Windows.
  2. Learn that order is important.

Windows Installation                

  1. Power up the system and press F9 to load the boot menu.
  2. Select CD drive from the menu after inserting your Windows 7 Installation Disk. Boot in “legacy” mode, not in “EFI” mode.
  3. Select English as the language, Mountain Time as the time zone and US as the keyboard.
  4. Select "Custom (advanced)" in the installation wizard and proceed.
  5. Delete all existing partitions. All of them!
  6. Let the installation proceed.
  7. After the installation completes:
    • Select "ct320-X" as the system name, where X is the system number
    • Select ct320 as your username and password
    • Select "Use recommended settings" for updates.
    • Reboot your system
  8. Observe that we cannot boot to Linux.
    • That’s because we overwrote it!
    • It wouldn’t have worked, anyway. Windows does not play well with others.
    • We will need to reinstall Linux.

Linux Reinstallation                

  1. Boot from a Linux installation disk.
  2. Create a 10GB swap partition, and split the rest of the disk space evenly between:
    • Windows (you’ll have to resize it)
    • /
    • /home
  3. Set up networking, per Installation & Configuration.
  4. Set up user ct320, per Configuration.
  5. Set up root’s password, per Configuration.

Dual Boot                

After rebooting, you should see a menu that allows you to boot from Linux or Windows. Try it.                 


Show your work to the TA.                 

Modified: 2016-09-23T20:25                 

User: Guest                 

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