Registration Form for the
1999 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference


July 13 - 17 (Tuesday - Saturday), 1999

Onmi Rosen Hotel, Orlando, Florida, USA.


First Name _______________________ Last Name __________________
Affiliation ____________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________
City ________________________ State/Province ___________________
Zip/Postal Code _______________ Country ________________________
Daytime telephone ____________________________________________
E-Mail address _______________________________________________

Conference registration fee includes admission to plenary and parallel conference sessions, one copy of two-volume  proceedings book, attendance at four tutorials of your choice, attendance at workshops of your choice (except data mining workshop in cooperation with AAAI, which has limited attendance), copy of a book with all tutorial handouts, copy of a book of late-breaking papers, copy of a book of workshop contributions, admission to the opening reception, admission to a special reception forJohn Holland's birthday celebration, all coffee breaks, one free and one deeply discounted journal subscription and conference souvenir memento.

Conference proceedings will be mailed to registered attendees with U.S. mailing addresses via 2-day U.S. priority mail about 1 - 2 weeks prior to the conference at no extra charge (at addressee's risk). If you are uncertain as to whether you will be at the above address at that time or DO NOT WANT YOUR PROCEEDINGS MAILED to you at the above address for any other reason, your copy of the proceedings will be held for you at the conference registration desk if you CHECK HERE ____.

Student - AAAI/ISAB Member
___ $225 - Postmarked by April 15, 1999
___ $265 - Postmarked by June 15, 1999
___ $295 - Postmarked later or on-site

Regular - AAAI/ISAB Member
___ $415 - Postmarked by April 15, 1999
___ $455 - Postmarked by June 15 1999
___ $495 - Postmarked later or on-site

Student - Non-Member
___ $245 - Postmarked by April 15, 1999
___ $275 - Postmarked by June 15, 1999
___ $315 - Postmarked later or on-site

Regular - Non-Member
___ $435 - Postmarked by April 15, 1999
___ $475 - Postmarked by June 15, 1999
___ $515 - Postmarked later or on-site

Member Number:  AAAI # __________ ISAB # __________

Students must send legible proof of full-time student status.

___Check or money order made payable to "AAAI" (in U.S. funds)
___Mastercard    ___Visa    ___ American Express

Credit card number __________________________________
Expiration Date ___________
Signature _________________________  Print Name __________________________

TUTORIALS: Check off a box for one tutorial from each of the 4 time slots:

Wednesday July 14, 1999

8:30 AM - 10:15 AM 
___Contrasting Methodologies 
___Introduction to Genetic Programming 
___Real World Applications 
___Agent-Based Computational Economics 
___Introduction to DNA Computing 
___Introduction to Ant Colony Optimization
10:45 AM - 12:30 PM 
___Genetic Algorithm Theory 
___Analog Circuit Design via GP 
___Genetic Programming Data Structures 
___Introduction to Adaptive Behavior 
___Quantum Computation 
___Artificial Life, Adaptive Behavior, and Agents
2:00 PM - 3:45 PM 
___Messy GAs and Linkage Learning 
___Characteristics and Biases of Evolution in GP 
___Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks 
___Introduction to Evolution Strategies 
___Evolvable Hardware 
___Classifier Systems
4:15 PM - 6:00 PM 
___Parallel Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms 
___Machine Code Genetic Programming 
___GEC in Design 
___Theory of Evolution Strategies and EP 
___Cellular Programming 
___Immune System Modeling and Computation


WORKSHOPS: Check off a box from each of the four time slots

All workshops (except Data mining workshop co-sponsored by AAAI) will be held on Tuesday July 13, 1999.

8:30 AM - 10:15 AM 
___Coevolutionary algorithms 
___Foundations of Genetic Programming 
___Multicriteria GEC I 
___Evolutionary Telecom 
10:45 AM - 12:30 PM 
___Computational models in Biology 
___Advanced grammars 
___Multicriteria GEC II 
___Parallel GEC 
___DNA computing 
2:00 PM - 3:45 PM 
___Evolvability I 
___Method, pedagogy and philosophy of GEC 
___GEAs dynamic optimization I 
___Sensor evolution I 
4:15 PM - 6:00 PM 
___Evolvability II 
___GEC visualization 
___GEAs dynamic optimization II 
___Sensor evolution II 
The 2nd International Workshop on Learning Classifier Systems (IWLCS) will be held throughout the workshop day.

A workshop on Data Mining with Evolutionary Computation will be held on July 18, 1999 in cooperation with AAAI-99.  Registration in this workshop is limited to 40 participants.  See for further details.

No refunds will be made; however, we will transfer your registration to a person you designate upon notification.

SEND TO: GECCO-99 Conference, c/o American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA. PHONE: 650-328-3123. FAX: 650-321-4457. E-mail for administrative matters: WWW FOR GECCO-99:

Discounted Conference Registration Fees for AAAI and ISAB Members

There is a discount on GECCO-99 registration fees for members of AAAI and ISAB.  For information on AAAI membership, go to  For information on ISAB membership, go to

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