Glossary of Jain words

In English alphabetical order. Use browser's FIND to locate term.
Posted by Dr. Prem Gada. Please send him any suggestions.

WORD                                    	MEANING

Abadhita        With no contradiction of the probandum   
Abadhitavisayatva   	Absence of contradiction of the probandum   
Abhavya   	One who is incapable of attaining moksa   
Abhedavrtti   	Identifying by transference of epithet   
Abhedopacara   	Making identical aspect predominant   
Abhigraha   	Resolution   
Abhikshna-Jnanopayoga   	Ceaseless pursuit of right knowledge.   
Abhipsita   	Desirable   
Abhiseka   	Anointing ceremony   
Abhyasta   	Habituated   
Abhyuhana   	Process of understanding   
Abrahma   	Unchastity.   
Abrahma-varjana   	Abandonment of all incontinence   
Acaksurdarsana   	Perception by means of the senses other than visual   
Acara	   	Conduct   
Acarya   	Head of a mendicant group; spiritual leader; monk-scholar   
Achakshu-darshanavarana   	Non-Ocular-Conation-Obscuring   
Acharya-Bhakti   	Devotion to Acharyas or Heads of the Orders of Saints.   
Achetanatva   	Unconsciousness   
Adama-nirjara   	Equanimous submission to the fruition of karma   
Adana-niksepana-samiti   	Care in the picking up and putting down of any object
Adattadana-virati   	Not taking anything which has not been given; identical to asteya-vrata   
Adeya   	Impressive; appearance such as may affect others.   
Adharma   	Principle of Rest   
Adharma-dravya   	The principle of rest   
Adhigama   	preaching of another.   
Adhigamaja   	Grahita
Adhikarana   	Dependance   
Adhikaraniki-kriya   	having weapons of hurtfulness.   
Adho-loka   	The lower world; the home of infernal beings   
Adhyavasaya   	Determinate cognition   
Adhyayana   	Lecture
Advaita   	Non-dual; cap., the monistic school of Vedanta   
Agama   	Scripture; canonical literature   
		Verbal testimony      
Agamika   	Non-repetitive   
Agari	   	House-holders(laymen).   
Aghatiya   	Karamas that generate embodiment and particular conditions thereof   
Aghatiya   	Non-Destructive karmas   
Agni   		Fire   
Agurulaghu   	Nor heavy-light; neither too heavy to move, nor too light to have stability.   
Agurulaghutva   	Capacity by which one attribute or substance does not become another and the substance does not lose the attributes whose grouping forms the  substance itself.   
		The quality of constancy in space-points   
Ahampratyaya   	Self-awareness   
Ahara Agrahya-Vargana   	Assimilation-unrecievable-molecule   
Ahara-Vargana   	Assimilation-molecule for food
Aharaka   	Assimilative   
		The spiritual man-like emanation from the head of a saint in doubt, in the sixth spiritual stage.   
Aharaka mishra   	Assimitative with physical.   
Aharaparyapti   	Taking of morsels of food   
Aharyaprasanjana   	Determinate concomitant   
Aharyaropa   	Determinate concomitant
Ahavaniya-agni  	One of the sacred fires in the Hindu srauta ritual  
Ahimsa   	Nonharming   
Ahimsavrata   	Refraining from harming   
Ailaka   	The highest state of a Digambara layman, wherein he retains only one piece of clothing   
Ajinana   	Ignorance   
Ajiva   	Insentient	
		Which is not soul   
Ajna-vyapadiki-kriya   	Misinterpreting the scriptural injunctions, which we do not want to follow.   
Ajnana   	Ignorance--nivartaka--remover   
    		Wrong belief caused by ignorance. Indiscrimination of good and bad.   
Ajnanavada   	Agnosticism   
Ajnanika   	Agnostic.  Everything is not knowable. This is one of the general attributes of all substances.   
Ajnavicaya   	Contemplation on the teachings of Jina   
Akama-nirjara   	Equanimous submission to the fruition of karma.   
Akasa   	Space   
Akasha   	Space   
Akashaya   	Quasi-passions; slight or minor passions.   
Akincitkara   	Immaterial   
Akrandana   	weeping
Akriyavada   	Doctrine of non-action   
Akriyavadi   	Opposite of Kriyavadi, e.g., the soul does nothing.  This undermines all 	   
Aksa   		An organ of sense   
Aksara   	Alphabet   
Aksata   	Uncooked rice   
Aksaya-trtiya   	The "immortal third," a Jaina holiday   
Alarikara   	Ornamentation   
Alocana   	Critical self-examination   
		Intuitional cognition   
Aloka   	Non-Universe   
Aloka-akasa   	Totally empty space   
Alokitapana-bhojana   	Thoroughly seeing to one's food and drink.
Amanaska   	Without mind
Amari   	Prohibition of animal sacrifice
Amla   	Acid.
Amsavatara   	Minor incarnation of Visnu
Amudha drishtitva   	Free from superstitious belief.
Amudhadrsti   	Freedom from delusory notions
Amurtatva   	Along with Achetanatva, is common to Space, Motion, Rest and Time.
	    	Along with Chetanatva, is a common attributes of the class of substance, or group of attributes, called Soul. Immateriality
Anabhimata   	Undesirable
Anabhoga   	putting down a thing where it ought not to be put.
Anabhoga-kriya   	indifference in dropping things or throwing oneself down upon the earth, i.e.  without seeing whether it is swept or not.
Anabhyupagata   	Unproved
Anadeya   	Non-impressive; dull appearance.
Anadhyavasaya   	Indecision
Anadhyavasita   	Neither known
Anadi   		Having no beginning
Anadinidhana   	Without beginning and without end
Anagara   	House-less(ascetics).
Anagara-dharma   	Mendicant discipline
Anaikantika   	Inconclusive
Anaikantikatva   	Inconclusiveness
Anakanksha-kriya   	Disrespect to scriptural injunctions out of vice or laziness.
Anakaropayoga   	Formless conscious activity
Anaksara   	Non-alphabet
Anangapravista   	Main scriptions
Ananta-sukha   	Infinite bliss
Anantadharma   	Infinite aspects
Anantajnana   	Infinite knowledge; a synonym for kevalajnana
Anantanu-Vargana   	Infinite-atoms-molecule
Anantanubandhi   	Error feeding or wrong-belief-breeding or Right-belief 	preventing-passions.
Anantanubandhi-kasaya   	Passions that "Pursue from the limitless past," preventing the attainment of samyak-darsana
Anantaviryatva   	Infinite energy
Ananugamika   	Non-following
Ananvaya   	Lacking in positive concomitance
Anarpitabhasa   	False unimplied point of view
Anarpitanaya   	Unimplied view-point
Anartha danda-vrata   	Taking a vow not to commit purposeless sin
Anarthadandavrata   	Refraining from the five minor types of evil activity
Anasana   	Fasting
Anashana   	Fasting--external austerity.
Anataraya   	Obstructive.
Anavastha   	Regressus ad infinitum
Anekantavada   	The doctrine of manifold aspects
Anekatva   	Multiplicity
Anga   		Limb; cap., a group of twelve Jaina canonical texts
Angabahya   	The subsidiary canon
Angapuja   	Veneration of the limbs of the lord
Angopanga   	Limbs; limbs and minor limbs.
Anigraha   	Free from defect
Anindriyaja   	Non-sensuous, not caused by senses
Anirakrta   	Not refuted
Anisrita   	Independent
Anitya   	Impermanent
Anitya anupreksha   	Everything is subject to change or transitory.
Anityavada   	Noneternalism
Anivartin   	That state from which there is no returning
Anivrtti-karana   	The process of suppressing certain mohaniya karmas
Anrita   	Falsehood.
Antar-muhurta   	A period of up to forty-eight minutes
Antara-bhava   	The state of existence between death and rebirth
Antaratman   	The state of perceiving the self within
Antaraya   	inflow of obstructive karma
Antaraya-karma   	Karma that restricts the energy-quality of the soul
Antarjalpa   	Inward repetition
Antarmuhurtta   	For a moment
Antarmuhurttika   	A period of less than forty-eight minutes
Antarvyapti   	Internal concomitance
Antyesti-kriya   	Funeral rites
Anu   		Atom; an indivisible particle of matter
Anu Vargana   	Atom
Anu-Vratas   	Five minor vows.
Anubhaga   	intensity of fruition
Anubhava   	Experience
		Retribution of a karma; intensity
Anubhaya-mana   	Neither true nor false.
Anubhaya-vachana   	Neither true or false.
Anubhuta   	Cognised, felt
Anugamika (Avadhijnana)   	Following
Anugamin   	Following
Anukampa   	Compassion
Anumana   	Inference
Anumanika   	Inferential
Anumati-tyaga   	Preparatory to the monk's life.  Enjoins a gradual giving up of the world and retiring into some very quiet place to aquire the knowledge of truth  and ultimately to become fit to be a teacher of the path to Liberation.
Anumatityaga-pratima   	The tenth stage in which a layman refrains from all household activities
Anumiti   	Inference
Anupalambha   	Non-observation
Anupatta   	Matter which is not taken in by the soul.
Anupayoga   	Not in actual use
Anupayukta   	Without attention
Anupreksa   	Reflection, twelve kinds
Anupreksha   	Meditation.
Anupurvi   	Migratory form; the power of retaining the form of the last incarnation 	
		during transmigration, i.e., in the passage from one to another condition of existence.
Anutseka   	not being proud of one's own achievement or attainments.
Anuvichi-bhashana   	Speaking in accordance with scriptural injunctions.
Anuvratas   	Minor vows pertaining only to laypeople
Anuyoga   	Exposition; a group of postcanonical texts
Anvaya   	Concomitance in agreement
Anvayadharma   	Quality
Anyatarasiddha   	Unproved for either of the two
Anyathanupapatti   	Logical impossibility in the absence of the other
Anyatva anupreksha   	Sepatateness.  Otherness.  The world, my relations and friends, my body, 	
		and mind, they are all distinct and separate from my real self.
Apadhyana   	Thinking ill of others.
Apara (Samgrahanaya)   	Non-ultimate (generic)
Aparamarthika   	Empirical
Aparigraha   	Nonpossession
Aparinamin   	Unchanging
Aparyapti   	Undevelopable; Incapable of developing the body fully.
Aparyavasita (Srutajnana)   	Having no end
Apavartana   	Energy that hastens the time and decreases the intensity of karmic fruition
Apaya   	Perceptual judgment
Apayavicaya   	Contemplation on the means by which beings can be saved
Apo-kayika   	Water-bodies
Apradhanacarya   	Nominal acarya
Apramanatva   	Invalidity
Apramatta-virata   	Restraint not vitiated by carelessness, the seventh gunasthana
Apramatva   	Non-organ of knowledge
Aprapyakaritva   	The quality of acting from distance
Apratipatina   	Non-extinguishing
Apratita   	Neither known
Apratya Vekshita   	Putting down a thing without seeing.
Apratyakhyana-kriya   	not renouncing what ought to be renounced.
Apratyakhyanavarana   	Obstructors of partial renunciation
Apratyakhyanavaraniya   	Partial vow-preventing passions including anger, pride, deceit and greed.
Aprayojaka   	Immaterial
Apta   		Authentic
Apta-vacana   	Statement of an authentic personality
Apurva-karana   	The process by which the soul attains to an unprecedented degree of purity
Arahamta   	Prakrit for arhat
Arambha   	Commencement of a thing - compare attempt in Criminal Law.
Arambha-tyaga   	Abandonment of merely worldly engagements and occupations.
Arambhatyaga-pratima   	The eighth stage in which a layman withdraws from all professional  commitments
Arambhaya-himsa   	Violence occurring either accidentally or through the performance of an 	
		acceptable occupation
Arapa   	Hot light; radiant heat; possessed of a brilliant body, which is hot to others 		but not to the possessor, as the gross radiant earth bodied beings in the  sun.
Arati   		Displeasure in regard to sense activities
		The lamp-waving ceremony
Arcana   	Worship
Ardha naracha samhanana   	Semi-unbreakable joints and bones.
Ardha-phalaka   	Loincloth worn by Svetambara monks
Ardha-pudgala-paravartana-kala   	The amount of time required for a soul to take in and use up half of the  available karmic matter in the universe
Arghya   	Respectful offering
Arham   	Identical to arhat
Arhat   	"Worthy to worship"; an epithet of one who has attained  		kevalajnana; a synonym for kevalin
Arhat Kevali   	Omniscient Lord
Arhat-Bhakti   	Devotion to Arhats or Omniscient Lords.
Arihamta   	A variant for arahamta
Arpitanaya   	Implied point of view
Arpitanayabhasa   	False implied point of view
Artha   	Meaning of a word
Artha (Kaladigata)   	Object
Artha-kriya   	Exercise of casual efficiency
Artha-kriyasamartha   	Capable of performing any action
Artha-naya   	Point of view of meaning
Artha-nayabhasa   	False point of view of meaning
Artha-paryaya   	Mode of the object
Artha-prapakatva   	Conveyance of the sense
Artha-pratipadaka   	Support of truth
Artha-samvedana   	Manifested in the statement
Arthavagraha (Matijnana)   	Object-awareness
Arupi-ajiva   	The four insentient, formless dravyas
Aryika   	Nuns of the Digambara sect
Asad guna udbhavana   	proclaiming in oneself the good qualities which one does not possess.
Asamgrahika (Naigamanaya)   	Non-generic
Asamjni   	Unable to reason about spiritual matters
Asamkhyata   	Innumerable
Asamprapta sripatika samhanana   	Loosely jointed bones.
Asamyama   	Nonrestraint
Asankyatanu-Vargana   	Innumerable-atoms-molecule
Asarira   	Free from embodiment; a siddha
Asat-khyati   	Knowledge of a non-existent thing
Asata-vedaniya   	Pain-feeling; that which brings pain. The inflow of pain-bringing-feeling
Asata, Asatavedaniya   	Experience of pain
Asatana   	Disrespect
Asatavedaniya   	Unpleasant-feeling
Asatpratipaksatva   	Non-conclusive
Asatva   	Non-existence
Asatya   	Lying
Asatya mana   	False mind
Asatya-Vachana   	False
Ascarya   	Extraordinary event
Asharana anupreksha   	Unprotectiveness; helplessness.  The soul is unprotected from the fruition  of karmas.  Death, pain, pleasure, success, failure are the necessary results  of our acts in this or past lives.
Ashrava   	Inflow
		The attraction of good or bad matter by the soul in virtue of its mental,  vocal, or bodily activity.
Ashrava anupreksa   	Inflow.  The inflow of karma is the cause of my mudane existence and it is 		the product of passions, etc.
Ashubha   	Ugly (body).
Ashubha-nama   	A Bad-body-making karma
Ashuchi anupreksha   	Impurity.  The body is impure and dirty.
Asi   		"Sword"; government
Asiddha (Hetvabhasa)   	Non-existence
Asiddhata   	Unproved state
Asiddhatva   	Non-existent
Asiddhi   	Whose existence cannot be proved
Aspasta   	Indistinct
Asrava   	Karmic influx
    		The thought-activity invites the karmic matter into the soul.
Asraya   	Substratum
Astanga   	Eight limbs (of samyak-darsana)
Asteya   	Not stealing
Asthira   	(unsteady circulation of blood, etc.).
Asti-kaya   	Having extension
Astikya   	Affirmation
Astitva   	Existence
Asubha-karma   	Unwholesome karma
Asva   		Horse
Aticara   	Infractions committed by accident
Atidesavakya   	Analogical sentence
Atisaya-ksetra   	Places where miraculous events associated with great monks have 		
Atithi-samvibhaga   	Sharing with (ascetic) guests
	    	Taking a vow to take one's food only after feeding the ascetivs with a part  of it.
Ativyapti   	Undesirable extension
Atma ninda   	denouncing one's self
Atma prashansa   	Praising oneself
Atman   	Soul; self
Atmanubhava   	Abiding in one's own nature
Atmarthatva   	Meant for the self
Atmarupa (Kaladigata)   	Form
Atmasad-guna uchchhadana   	not proclaiming one's own good qualities.
Attara guna   	A kind of production of the dependance relating to the non-soul, i.e., 	
		production of books, pictures, statues, etc.
Audarika   	Physical
		The physical body of all men and animals.
Audarika mishra   	Physical with karmic.
Audarikasarira   	Gross-body of Lord
Aupapadika   	Born spontaneously
Aupasamika   	Subsidence
Aushbha   	Awkward.
Avadhi (Jnana)   	Clairvoyance
Avadhi-darshanavarana   	Visual-conation-obscuring.
Avadhi-jnanavarana   	Visual-knowledge-obscuring
Avadhidarsana   	The indistinct type of awareness preceding avadhijnana
Avadhijnana   	Supermundane knowledge such as clairvoyance
Avagaha   	Penetrability
Avagraha (Matijnana)   	Determinate perception
Avaharana   	Distinguishing
Avaktavya   	Indescribable
Avamaudarya   	Eating only a very small portion of food
Avamodarya   	Eating less than one's fill, or less than one has appetite for--external 	
Avantara samanya   	General substance
Avapodvapa   	Elimination and addition
Avarana   	The veil
Avarana ksaya   	Destruction of veil
Avaraniya   	Obscuring
Avarnavada   	Causes the right-belief-deluding karmic matter(Darshana).
Avasarpini   	Descending round
		Regressive half-cycle
Avashyaka-parihari   	Not neglecting one's six important daily duties
Avastu-nirbhasa   	Dealing with no object
Avasyaka   	Essential duty
Avaya (Matijnana)   	Perceptual judgment
Avayava   	Part
Avicyuti   	Absence of lapse
Avidya   	Ignorance
Avinayeshu   	Those who are uncivil or ill-behaved. ??????
Avipaka-nirjara   	Inducing a karma to leave the soul by means of a contrary karma, or by  means of ascetic practices.
Avirata   	Vowlessness, non-renunciation. Vowlessness.
Avirati   	Nonrestraint
Aviruddhanupalabdhi (Hetu)   	Non-availability of non-contradictory
Aviruddhopalabdhi (Hetu)   	Availability of non-contradictory
Avisamvadakatva   	Non-discrepancy
Avisvagbhava   	All-pervasiveness
Aviveka   	Lack of discrimination
Avrta   	Obscured
Avyakta   	Indeterminate
Avyaktaksara   	Indistinct sound
Ayaga-pata   	Votive slabs
Ayariya   	Prakrit for acarya
Ayashah kirti   	Notoriety; bringing bad name, even if one does good actions.
Ayoga-kevalin   	The fourteenth gunasthana, attained by the kevalin when, in the instant 	
		before death, all his activities cease
Ayu   		Age-karma
Ayu-karma   	Karma that determines the span of a given lifetime

Badara   	Gross (body).
Badha   	Depriving of vitality
Badhita-visaya   	Subject being hindered
Bahiratman   	(Perceiving) The self in externals
Bahirvyapti   	External concomitance
Bahu (Matijnana)   	Many
Bahu-shruta-bhakti   	Devotion to Upakhyayas or teaching Saints.
Bahuvidha (Matijnana)   	Multiplied
Bala tapa   	austerities not based upon right knowledge
Balabhadra   	A Jaina literary type; the hero and companion of narayana
Balatapa   	Austerities not based upon right knowledge.
Bandah   	Bound
Bandha   	Attracted matter had actually become a part of our body, i.e., when it has 	
		become bound to the soul as the body is already bound to it.
		Karmic bondage
		The matter comes and binds the soul.
Bandhana   	Bondage; molecular bondage.
		Energy that brings about karmic influx
Bhagavan   	Venerable
Bhaikshya-shuddhi   	Purity of alms, according to the scriptures.
Bhajana   	Option
Bhakti   	Devotionalism
Bhanga   	Infractions committed intentionally
		One of the seven-fold ways of statement
Bhasa   	Language
Bhasa-samiti   	Care in speaking
Bhasha Agrahya-Vargana   	Speech-unrecievable-molecule
Bhasha-Vargana   	Speech-molecule
Bhasya   	Commentary
Bhattaraka   	Venerable ones; a class of Jaina clerics
Bhava   	Function
    		Internal; states of a dravya; a synonym for paryaya
Bhava-jiva   	Real symbol of soul
Bhava-puja   	The internal aspect of a devotional practice
Bhava-samyaktva   	The internal aspect of true insight
Bhavana   	Meditation
    		Practice; a section of the Acaranga-sutra
Bhavanavasi   	Those (gods) who reside in mansions
Bhavasruta   	Real functioning knowledge
Bhavatmaka   	Real
Bhavatva   	Real
Bhavollasa   	Aroused emotions
Bhavya   	One who is capable of attaining moksa
Bhavyatva   	Capability of attaining moksa
Bhaya   	Fear
Bheda   	Disjunction
Bheda-vivaksa   	Desired difference
Bheda-vrtti   	Attitude of difference
Bhedopacara   	Secondary use of difference
Bhekta-pana   	mixing up food and drink.
Bhiksu-pratima   	Difficult asuterities recommended for a mendicant
Bhirutva-pratyakhyana   	Giving up cowardice or fear.
Bhoga   	Enjoyment;experience
Bhoga Antaraya   	obstructive of Enjoyment, of non-comsumable things.
Bhoga-antaraya   	Karma that restricts enjoyment
Bhoga-bhumi   	Realm of enjoyment
Bhogopabhaga-parimanavrata   	Restraint against practicing certain professions and partaking of certain  foods
Bhojana-Katha   	Food
Bhumi   	Realm
Bhuta-anukampa   	compassion for all living beings.
Bhutacatustaya   	Division of four matters
Bija   		Seed
Bijapuraka-kataha   	A seed-filled fruit, probably Aegle Marmelos, used for medicinal purposes
Bodhi   	Enlightnenment
Bodhi durlabha anupreksha   	Rarity of Right path.  It is difficult to attain right-belief, knowledge and 	
Bodhi-durlabha   	The rarity of enlightenment
Bodhisattva   	One who follows the career of a Buddha
Bodiya   	Naked
Brahma-charya   	Celibacy.
Brahmacari   	Celibate; one who has reached the seventh pratima
Brahmacarya-pratima   	The seventh pratima, in which absolute continence is observed
Brahman   	The unitary Absolute postualted by the Vedanta school
Brahmana (Brahman)   	A member of the priestly caste
Brahmavrata   	Refraining from all illicit sexual activities
Caitanya   	Consciousness
Caitya   	Temple
Caityavasi   	Temple-dweller
Cakravartin   	Universal monarch
Caksuradijanita   	Effected by eyes etc.
Caksurdarsana   	Visual perception
Candala   	Untouchable; a synonym for svapaka
Candana   	Sandalwood paste
Carana   	Practice
Caritra   	Conduct
Caritra-mohaniya   	Conduct-deluding karmas
Caru   		Sweet
Catuhsarana   	The four refuges
Caturvimsati-stava   	Sanskrit caturyama-samvara; a synonym for caujjama-dhamma
Caujjama-dhamma   	Sanskrit caturyama-dharma, the fourfold restraint ascribed to Parsva
Chadmastha   	A person in the state of bondage in this universe.
Chakshu-darshanavarana   	Ocular-Conation-obscuring.
Charitras   	Right-conduct.
Chaundriya   	Four-sensed.
Cheda   	Reduction in seniority
Cheda-sutra   	A law book dealing with monastic offences
Chetanatva   	along with Amurtatva, is a common attribute of the class of substance, or 	
		group of attributes,called Soul. Consciousness
Citrajnana   	Knowledge of the picture
Culika   	Appendix; a class of Jaina cononical texts
Cyavamana   	Negligent
Daksina-agni   	One of the sacred fires in the Hindu srauta ritual
Dana   		Charity
		Charity; alms-giving
Dana Antaraya   	Charity-Obstructive.
Dana-antaraya   	A type of karma that hinders the practice of charity
Dandin   	One who carries a staff
Darsana   	Indeterminate intuition, faith Intuition; a system of philosophy; insight; 	
Darsana-mohaniya   	Insight-deluding karmas
Darsana-pratima   	The first step on the ladder of pratima
Darsanavaraniya   	Perception-obscuring karmas
Darsantika   	Thesis
Darshana   	Faith.
Darshana mohaniya   	right-belief-deluding karmic matter
Darshana-kriya   	infatuated desire to see a pleasing form.
Darshana-mohaniya   	Right-belief-deluding.
Darshana-vishuddhi   	purity of right-belief
Darshanavarana   	Conation-obscuring
Dasa-dharma   	Ten forms of righteousness
Dashaya   	Astringent, (Saline).
Desa-virata   	The fifth gunasthana where desa-virati is attained
Desa-virati   	The set of restraints prescribed for a Jaina layman
Desana-labdhi   	Obtaining instruction in the Jaina teachings
Desavakasika   	Limiting the area of one's movement
Desha-Katha   	Scandal
Deshavrata   	Taking a vow to limit worldly activity to fixed points for a short period of 	
		time, for example,for one's weely or daily worldly activity.
Deva   		Celestial.
		Heavenly beings; untimate divinity
		The Celestial beings
Deva Anupurvi   	Celestial--migratory form.
Deva-Ayu   	Celestial-age-karma
Deva-brahmana   	Divine brahman, i.e., a Jaina brahman
Deva-dusya   	"Divine" cloth; a finely woven piece of cloth
Deva-mudhata   	Delusion pertaining to gods
Deva-nikayas   	The four orders of gods
Devagama   	The arrival of gods at a holy gathering
Devajiva   	Soul of the god
Devanupurvi   	The power of retaining the last form whatever it was, in going to the  celestial condition of existence.
Devapuja   	Worship of the Tirthankaras
Devayu   	Celestial age.
Dharana   	Retention
Dharma   	Attribute
	    	Holy law; elements in Buddhist doctrine; righteousness, ten forms
		Principle of Motion
		The true Religion
Dharma svakhya tattvanupreksha   	Nature of Right-Path as said by the conquerors.  The true nature of Truth,  i.e., the three fold path to real Liberation.
Dharma-dravya   	The principle of motion
Dharma-katha   	Religious tale
Dharma-labha   	Increase in righteousness
Dharma-svakhyatatva   	The absolutely true teachings of the Jinas
Dharma-tirtha   	Holy path
Dharmadhyana   	Virtuous concentration
Dharmin   	Subject
Dhrauvya   	Continuance
Dhruva (Matijnana)   	Constant
Dhruva Shunya-Vargana   	Fixed-indifferent-molecule
Dhruva Vargana   	Fixed-molecule
Dhupa   	Incense
Dhvani   	The word
Dhyana   	Concentration--internal austerity. Meditation
Digambara   	Sky-clad; name of the Jaina sect whose mendicants practice ascetic nudity
Digha-tapassi   	One who engages in extended penances
Digvrata   	Restriction on the distances a person may travel
    		Taking a life-long vow to limit his wordly activity to fixed points in all the 		10 directions; East, West, North, South, South-east, East-north,  	North-west, West-south, and Up and Down.
Diksa	   	Initiation
Dipa   		Lamp
Divyadhvani   	Miraculous sound
Dosa   		Imperfection
Dravya   	Substance
		Substance; external
Dravya (Niksepa)   	Substance
Dravya-carya   	Nominal acarya
Dravya-mana   	Mind-qua-substance
		The physical basis of the mind
Dravya-puja   	Form of worship employing external objects
Dravya-samyaktva   	The external aspect of true insight
Dravyadeva   	Substantial symbol of god
Dravyajiva   	Substantial soul
Dravyajivatva   	Substantial soul
Dravyakalpana   	Distinction of substance
Dravyakriya   	Pseudo-action
Dravyanikaramba   	Substance transformed into sense-data
Dravyartha   	Through the substance
Dravyarthika   	Of the substance
Dravyarthikabhasa   	False point of view of substance
Dravyarthikanaya   	Point of the substance
Dravyastikanaya   	Material point of view
Dravyatmaka   	Substantial
Dravyatva   	capacity by which it is always changing in modifications.
		Substantial soul
Dravyendra   	Sense qua substance
Drsta   	Perception
Drstanta   	Example
Drstanta-dosa   	Fallacy of example
Duh-pramrishta   	Putting down a thing petulantly or peevishly.
Duhshruti   	Reading or hearing bad books.
Duhsvara   	Harsh-voiced, noisy.
Dukha   	Pain
Durbhaga   	unprepossessing; even though beautiful. 
Durbhiksa   	Famine
Durgamdha   	Evil-smelling; mal-odorous.
Dusama   	Unhappy
Dusama-dusama   	Extremely unhappy
Dvesa   	Hatred; aversion
Dvesha   	Hatred in the pleasing and displeasing wordly objects of the five senses.
Dvija   	Twice-born
Dvindriya   	Two-sensed.
Dvipa   	Island
Dvipa-samudra   	Island-continent
Eka   		One; unitary
Eka-ksetravagaha   	Occupying the same locus
Eka-phalaka   	Probably identical to eka-sataka
Eka-sataka   	A mendicant who wears a single piece of cloth
Ekanta   	One-sided
	    	Taking only one aspect of a many-sided thing e.g., man is mortal and  immortal, regarded from the point of view of body and soul respectively.
		Taking only one view.
Ekanta-nitya   	Absolutely eternal
Ekantavada   	Extremism; absolutist doctrine
Ekantavadin   	One who holds an absolutist doctrine
Ekartha-samavayin   	Co-inherent in the same substratum
Ekatva   	Unity
Ekatva anupreksha   	Loneliness, I am alone the doer ofmy actinos and the enjoyer of the fruits  of them.
Ekatvajnana   	Knowledge of oneness
Ekendriya   	A being with only one (namely, the tactile) sense faculty; a synonym for  sthavara beings
		One-sensed creature
Ennui   	dissatisfaction.
Esana-samiti   	Care in accepting alms
Eva   		In fact; an important term in the formula of the sapta-bhangi-naya
Evambhuta (Naya)   	The such-like
Evambhutabhasa   	False such-like view point
Gaccha   	A chapter of monks
Gajanimilika   	Closing of eyes like an elephant
Gamdha   	Smell.
Gamika (Sruta)   	Scriptures containing repetitions
Gana   		A residence unit for monks
Ganadhara   	Direct disciple of the Tirthankaras Supporters of the order, i.e., the first 	
		mendicant disciples of a Tirthankara
Gandha   	Smell
Gandharva   	Celestial musician
Gani-pidaga   	Basket of the ganadharas, i.e., the canon ofthe Jainas
Ganin   	Leader of the order
Garbha   	Conception
Garhapatya-agni   	One of the sacred fires of the Hindu srauta ritual
Gati   		Birth; destiny
		condition of existence
		Condition; Condition of existence.
Gau   		Cow (animal) or the action of going
Ghana-ambu   	Humid air
Ghana-vata   	Dense air
Ghatanama   	Name of pitcher
Ghatikarman   	Destructive karmans
Ghatiya   	Destructive
	    	Karmas that have a vitiating effect upon the qualities of the soul
Ghoratavassi   	One who practices severe austerities
Gorji   	A term used for yati
Gotra   	Exogamous groups
Gotra-karma   	Karmas that determine environmental circumstances
Grahana   	Cognition
Grahya   	Cognitum
Granthi   	Knot
Gumma   	A chapter of monks
Guna   	Attribute
Guna (Kalpana)   	Quality
Guna sthana   	Fourth spiritual stage.
Guna vratas   	Special vows relating to the limitation and determination of his daily  work, food and enjoyment.
Guna-adhikshu   	The path of liberation.
Guna-sabda   	Word indicating quality
Gunasthana   	The fourteen stages of purification
Gunavratas   	Restraints that reinforce the practice of the anuvratas
Guni-desa (Kaladigata)   	Territory of object
Gupti	   	Preservation
Guru   		Heavy
		Spiritual teacher
Guru-mudhata   	False beliefs pertaining to teachers
Guru-upasti   	Listening to and venerating teachers
Hamsa   	Swan
Hasya   	Laughter
		Laughter; Risible or Laughter-producing.
Hasya-pratyakhyana   	Giving up of frivolity.
Hetu   		Reason
Hetu-dosa   	Fallacy in the cause
Hetu-samarthana   	Support by cause
Hetvabhasa   	Fallacies of reasons
Himsa   	Injury,harming violence
Himsa   	Injury.
Himsadana   	Giving objects of offence to others.
Hiyamana (avadhijnana)   	Decreasing
Hundaka   	Unsymmetrical; disproportionate, deformed.
Hundavasarpini   	A period of avasarpini in which extraordinary events may take place

Idantollekha   	Indication
Iha    		Speculation
Indrasthapana   	Which has the shape of India
Indriya   	An organ of sense
		Sense organ
Indriyaja   	Sensuous
Irya   		Care in walking.
Irya-samiti   	Care in walking
Iryapatha-kriya   	walding carefully, i.e., looking on the ground for protecting living beings  which may be trod upon and thus injured.
Isat-pragbhara-bhumi   	"Slightly bent region," the name of the final abode of the liberated souls  [the siddhas]
Ista-devata   	Chosen deity
Isvara   	God
Jaina   		Follower of Jina, a synonym for Nigantha; one who has samyak-darsana
Jaina-brachman   	Laypeople in charge of priestly functions within certain Jaina communities
Jaina-sasana   	Teaching of the Jainas
Jainabhasa   	False Jainas
Jala   		Water
Janma   	Birth
Janma-kalyana   	Birth; one of the five auspicious events in the career of a Tirthankara
Jara   		Old age
Jarisabda   	Root word
Jati   		Birth, caste; species within a gati Genus of beings.
Jati (Kalpana)   	Sophism
Jati-karma   	The variety of nama-karma that determines one's specific destiny
Jati-mantra   	A litany used in celebrating the birth of a child
Jayamala   	Garland of victory; a hymn in praise ofthe Jinas
Jigisu katha   	A debate which is held for victory
Jijnasa   	Curiosity
Jina   		Spiritual victor; a synonym for Tirthankara
Jina-agama   	Jaina scripture
Jina-bhavana   	Jaina temple
Jina-bimba   	Image of Jina
Jina-nama   	Name of Jina
Jinakalpin   	A monk whose conduct is modeled upon that of Mahavira
Jinasthapana   	Image of Jina
Jiva   		living
		Soul; sentient
Jiva Kanda   	Fifth of the Sacred Books of the Jainas
Jivatva   	Soul
Jnana   	Knowledge
Jnana-cetana   	Consciousness characterized as knowing itself
Jnananaya   	Point of view of knowledge
Jnananayabhasa   	False point of view of knowledge
Jnanavarana   	Knowledge-obscuring
Jnanavaraniya   	Knowledge-obscuring
Jugupsa   	Disgust
	    	Disgust; aversion.  Hiding one's own, and publishing other people's  shortcomings.
Jyotiska   	The steller gods
Kaivalya   	Pure knowledge
Kala   		Time
    		Time stages within the progressive and regressive half-cycles; time as a  dravya
Kala (Drvyadigata)   	Periodically
Kala (Kaladigata)   	Time
Kala (Kalakarakadigata)   	Time
Kalanu   	Time-points
Kalatyayapadista   	Mistimed (contradicted)
Kalikasruta   	A Jain scripture
Kalpatita   	Born in the highest heavenly abodes
Kalpopapanna   	Born in the kalpa heavens
Kalyanaka   	Auspicious moments
Kanyadana   	Ceremony of giving away the bride
Kapota-lesya   	Gray karmic strain
Karaka   	Case
Karana   	Cause
Karana (Hetu)   	Cause
Karanantarasakalya   	Co-operation of all other causes
Karananupalabdhi   	Non-availability of the cause
Karanatva   	As the cause
Karanollekha   	Mention of instrument
Karma   	Action
Karma-bhumi   	Realm of action
Karma-cetana   	Consciousness of oneself as the doer of actions
Karma-phala-cetana   	Consciousness of oneself as the enjoyer of the karmic fruits
Karma-prakrti   	The particular form into which karmic matter is differentiated
Karman   	Action
Karmana   	karmic.
Karmana-sarira   	The transmigrating body of karmic matter
Karmana-Vargana   	Karmic-molecule
Karsapana   	Coin
Karta   	Agent
Karunya   	Pity, Compassion for the afflicted.
Karya   	Effect
Karya (Hetu)   	Effect
Karyanupalabdhi   	Non-availability of the effect
Kasaya   	Passions
Katha	   	Debate
		Narrative literature
Kathora   	Hard
Katuka   	Bitter.
Kavala-ahara   	Food in morsels; ordinary human food
Kaya   		Movement by body.
Kaya klesha   	Mortification of the body, so long as the mind is not disturbed--external 	
Kaya-klesa   	Mortifications of the body
Kayiki-kriya   	a wicked man's readiness to hurt others.
Kayotsarga   	Abandonment of the body, a standing or sitting posture of meditation
Kesa-loca   	The practice of pulling out one's hair in five handfuls
Kevala (Jnana)   	Perfect knowledge
Kevala-darshanavarana   	Perfect-conation-obscuring.
Kevala-jnanavarana   	Perfect-knowledge-obscuring.
Kevaladarsana   	Perception associated with kevalajnana
Kevalajnana   	Knowledge isolated from karmic obstruction; infinite knowledge; 		
		omniscience; knowledge involving awareness of every existent in all its  qualities and modes
Kevalin   	One who has attained kevalajnana; a synonym for arhat
Kilita samhanana   	Riveted bones.
Klishyamaneshu   	The afflicted.
Komala   	Soft
Krama   	Order
		Sequential order
Kramabhavi   	Occurring successively
Kramayaugapadya   	Simultaneity or order
Krishna   	Black.
Kriya (Kalpana)   	Activity
Kriya naya   	Point of view of action
Kriyanayabhasa   	False point of view of action
Kriyas   	Actions; a Jaina term for sacred rites
Kriyasabda   	Root word
Kriyavadi   	belief in time, soul, etc., as causing everything in the world.  		
		All the substances perform their functions and become  		causes of different effects.
Krodha   	Anger
Krodha-pratyakhyana   	Giving up anger.
Krsi   		Farming
Krsna-lesya   	Black karmic stain
Ksama   	Forgiveness
Ksamasramana   	An ascetic who suffers with equanimity; title used in addressing a monk  during the ritual fo confession
Ksanika   	Momentary
Ksanti   	Forbearance
Ksapana   	Destruction
Ksatriya   	Member of a warrior caste
Ksaya   	Destruction
Ksayika-samyak-darsana   	True insight achieved by the destruction of darsana-mohaniya karmas
Ksayopasama   	Cessation and subsidence of karmic veil
Ksayopasama-labdhi   	Attainment of purity by the destruction-cumsuppression of certain karmas
Ksayopasamika-samyaktva   	True insight achievedby the destruction cum-suppression of 		
		darsana-mohaniya karmas; identical to vedakasamyaktva
Ksetra   	Territory
Kshanti   	Forgiveness
Kshaya   	Destruction
Ksina-moha   	Permanent dissociation from all caritra-mohaniya karmas and from the 	
		passions which they produce, the twelfth gunasthana
Ksipra (Matijnana)   	Quick
Ksullaka   	Minor; junior monk; a Jaina layman on the eleventh pratima; one who  wears three pieces of clothing
Kubjaka   	Hunchback.
Kula   		Family
Kumara-sramana   	A life-long celibate
Kundalini-cakra   	Mystical centers of psychic energy
Kutastha-nitya   	Eternal and unchangeable
Labdhi   	Attainment
Labdhi (Aksara-sruta)   	Potential auditory attainment
Labdhi (Indriya)   	Sense qua attainment
Labdhyaksara   	Potential auditory attainment
Labha   	Attainment
Labha Antaraya   	Gain-Obstructive.
Labha-anfaraya   	Hindrance to the attainment of something
Laghu   	Light.
		Light; loss
Laukika   	Mundane
Lesya	   	Karmic stain, the color of which indicates a soul's degress of purity
Linga	   	Gender
Lobha   	Greed
Lobha-pratyakhyana   	Giving up greed.
Loka   		Universe
Loka anupreksha   	Universe.  The nature of the Universe and its constituent elements in all  thei vast varity proving the insignificance and miserable nothingness of  man in time and space.
Loka-akasa   	The inhabited universe
Loka-mudhata   	False beliefs pertaining to everyday religious practices
Madhu   	Honey
Madhura   	Sweet.
Madhya-loka   	Middle of terrestrial world
Madhyasthya   	Tolerance or indifference to those who are uncivil or ill-behaved.
Madya   	Alcohol
Maha-Skandha-Vargana   	Great-molecule-molecule
Mahana   	Prakrit for Sanskrit brahmana
Mahavira-jayanti   	Birth anniversary of Mahavira
Mahavrata   	The five great vows of a mendicant
Maitri   	Benevolence for all living beings.
Mamsa   	Flesh; meat
Mana   	Movement by mind.
Manah-paryaya   	Psychic mode
Manah-paryaya (Jnana)   	Intuition of the modes of other minds Telepathy
Manah-paryaya-darsana   	Intuition of the psychic mode
Manahparyaya-jnanavarana   	Mental-knowledge-obscuring.
Manahparyayajnana   	Direct awareness of thought forms of others without the aid of mind or 	
Manas   	Mind
Manasatva   	Mental cognition
Manastambha   	A characteristic Jaina pillar
Mano Agrahya-Vargana   	Mind-unreceivable-molecule
Mano-Vargana   	Mind-molecule
Manodravya   	Mind substance
Manogupti   	Preservation of mind.
Manojanma   	Born of mind
Manojanya   	Born of mind
Mantra   	Holy litany
Manushya   	Human.
Manushya Anupurvi   	Human--Migratory form.
Manushya-Ayu   	Human-age-karma
Manushyayu   	Human age.
Manusya   	Human being
Manusya-gati   	Human destiny
Marga prabhavana   	Propagation of the path of Liberation.
Masi   		Ink; writing
Mastakabhiseka   	Head-anointing [ceremony]
Mati (Jnana)   	Perceptual
Mati-jnanavarana   	Sensitive-knowledge-obscuring.
Matijana   	Mind-based knowledge
Maulahetu   	Original cause
Maya   	Causes inflow of sub-human age karma
		Cheating others, preaching the false doctrines, etc. Deceit
Maya-shalya   	The thorn of deceit.
Mayakriya   	Deceitful disturbance of some one's right knowledge and faith.
Mayavada   	Illusionism
Mithya (Sruta)   	False
Mithya darshana   	Wrong belief.
Mithya-darshana-kriya   	Praising actions due to wrong belief.
Mithya-drsti   	Perverted vision
Mithya-shalya   	The thorn of wrong-belief.
Mithyadarsana   	Synonymous with mathyadrsti and mithyatva
Mithyadarshana   	wrong-belief
Mithyadrsti   	Incorrect viw of reality, the first gunasthana
Mithyatva   	Lack of insight; synonymous with mithyadarsana and mithyadrsti
		wrong belief.
Mithyatva-kriya   	That which strengthenswrong belief, e.g., superstition, etc.
Mohaniya   	Deluding
Mohaniya-karma   	Karma that prevents the true perception of reality and the purity of the 	
		soul; karma that defiles the bliss-quality of the soul
Moksa   	Liberation
    		Salvation; emancipation from the cycle of birth and death
Moksa-marga   	The path of salvation
Moksha   	Liberation
	    	The total separation of Soul from the bondage of all matter
Muh-patti   	A small piece of cloth worn over the mouth by Sthanakavasi mendicants 	
		to protect airbodies from harm
Mukta   	The Liberated Soul.
Mula Guna   	a kind of production of the dependance relating to the non-soul, i.e., of the 	
		body, speech, mind and respiration.
Mulagunas   	The eight basic restraints of a Jaina layman
Mulasutra   	A group of texts belonging to the subsidiary canon
Muni   	Mendicant; sage
Murccha   	Delusion
Murtatva   	Along with Achetanatva, is common to Matter.
Nabho-Vargana   	Sphere-molecule
Naicayika   	Transcendental
Naigama (Naya)   	Non-distinguished
Naigamabhasa   	False point of view of the non-distinguished
Nama	    	Body-making Karma
Nama (Niksepa)   	Symbol of name
Nama-Jaina   	Nominal Jaina
Nama-karma   	Karma that determines destinies and body types
Namadinayasamudayavada   	Combination of the points of view of name etc.
Namadiniksepa   	Symbols of names etc.
Namajiva   	Name symbol of soul
Namaskara-mantra   	Reverent salutation to the [five] holy beings
Namaskaraniksepa   	Symbol of salutation
Namatmaka   	Form of the name
Namendra   	The name `Indra'
Nandyavarta   	A kind of diagram
Napumsaka Veda   	Common sex.
Napumsakaveda   	Sexual cravings for a hermaphrodite
Naracha-Samhanana   	Unbreakable joints and bones.
Naraka   	Hell; the world of infernal beings Hellish.
Naraka Anupurvi   	Hellish--migratory form.
Narakayu   	hellish age.
Narakayu karma   	Hellish age karma
Naraki   	Hell beings
Narayana   	A Jaina literary type; the hero's companion and slayer of the villian
Nasti	   	Does not exist; the second member of the sapta-bhangi-naya
Nastitva   	Non-existence
Naya   		Partial truth
		View; partial expression of truth
Nayabhasa   	False point of view
Nayana   	Sight
Nayavada   	Doctrine of nayas
Nayavakya   	Statement from a point of view
Nicha	Gotra    	Low family.
Nichaih Vritti   	an attitude of humility towards one's betters.
Nidana   	Seeking worldly gain from the performance of good deeds and austerities
	    	The thorn of desire for future sense-pleasures.
Nidhatti   	Energy that renders karmas incapable of all activity save changes in  fruition time and intensity
Nidra   	Sleep
Nidra-Nidra   	Deep sleep.
Nigamana   	Conclusion
Nigantha    	Nirgrantha	
		Unattached, without possessions; ancient name for the Jaina community
Nigoda   	The lowest form of life
Nigraha   	Defeat
    		proper control over mind, speech and body.
Nigrahadhikarana   	Place for defeat
Nigrhita   	Defeated
Nihkamksita   	Freedom from anticipation
Nihksepa (Niksepa)   	The different ways of putting a thing
Nihnava   	Falsehood, heresy
Nihpratikara   	Unavoidable
Nihsankita   	Freedom from doubt
Nikacana   	Energy that renders karmas incapable of all activity
Nila   		Blue
Nila-lesya   	Blue karmic stain
Nimitta-karana   	External efficient cause
Nir vichikitsita   	Free from repulsion from anything.
Nirakrta   	Refuted
Niranvaya   	Discrete
Nirjara   	Dissociation of karmas
    		The falling away of karmic matter from the soul.
	    	The gradual shedding of the matter already boundis shedding
Nirjara anupreksha   	Shedding.  Karmic matter must be shed from or shaken out of the soul.
Nirmana   	Formation; proper formation of limbs and minor limbs in relation to their  situation and dimensions.
Nirnitavipaksavrttika   	Whose existence in the hetrologous is decisive
Nirukti   	Etymology
Nirvana   	Release from bondage; the final death of an enlightened human being  [arhat] followed immediately by moksa
Nirvana-bhumi   	The place at which a Tirthankara attained nirvana
Nirvicikitsa   	Freedom from disgust
Nirvrttindriya   	Physical sense-organ shaped like Kadamba flower
Niryukti   	Prakrit verse commentary
Nisarga   	inborn error
Nisarga Kriya   	Admiration of hurtful or unrighteous things.
Nisargaja   	Agrahita
Niscaya (Naya)   	Consideration
Niscaya-naya   	Nonconventional view
Niscayabhasa   	False real point of view
Niscita (Matijnana)   	Determined
Nisedha   	Negation
Nisedhakalpana   	Negative aspect
Nisedhasakhaka (Hetu)   	Which proves negation
Nishkankshita   	Free from wordly desire.
Nisshankita   	Free from all doubt.
Nitya   	Eternal
Nityavada   	Eternalism
Niyati   	Fate
Niyativada   	Fatalism
No-kasaya   	Subsidiary passions
No-kashaya   	Quasi-passions; slight or minor passions.
Nyag rodha parimandala   	Banyan-like; short in lower but large in upper extremities like a 		
Om     		Sacred sound formed by combining the first syllable of each word in the  namaskara-mantra

Pada   		Word
Padartha-pratibandha   	Indirectly connected with an object
Padastha-dhyana   	Concentration upon holy chants
Padma-lesya   	Lotus-pink karmic stain
Paduka   	Footprint
Paindastha-dhyana   	Concentration upon certain objects made up of the elements of matter
Paksa	   	Thesis
Paksa-sadhya-samsarga   	Association of the subject with the probandum
Paksa-suddhi   	Purification of the thesis
Paksabhana   	Knowledge of the subject
Paksadharmata   	Subsistence in the subject
Paksadharmatva   	Subsistence in the subject
Paksadosa   	Fallacy in the thesis
Paksavacana   	Statement of the subject
Paksiya sadhya-sadhana-sambandha   	Relationship of the probandum and the probane of the subject
Pamana-siddha   	Proved by definite organ of knowledge
Panca-kalyana   	The five auspicious events in the life of a Tirthankara; -mahotsava (the  celebration of these events)
Panca-mahavrata   	see also mahavrata
Panca-namaskara-mantra   	see also namaskara-mantra
Panca-rupya   	Five characteristics
Panchendriya   	Five-sensed.
Pani-patra   	Hand-bowl
Papa   		Unwholesome karmas
Papopadesha   	Preaching of sin to others.
Para (Samgraha naya)   	Ultimate
Para prashansa   	praising others
Para-dravya   	The being, location, time, or state, respectively, of other objects
Para-pratipatti   	Understanding of others
Paraghata   	Destructive; Possessing a limb or organ fatal to others, as a lion's claws, 	
Paramanu   	Atom
Paramatman   	The highest [the liberated] soul
Paramesthin   	The supreme divinity
Paramita   	Perfection
Paraninda   	Speaking ill of others.
Parartha   	For others (eye etc.)
Parartha (Anumana)   	For others (i.e.  syllogistic)
Pararthya   	Meant for others
Parasamaya   	The tenants of others
Paridevana   	Piteous or pathetic moaning to attract compassion.
Parigraha   	Possession
		Worldly attachment.
Parigraha-tyaga   	Preparatory to the monk's life.  enjoins a gradual giving up of the world  and retiring into some very quiet place to acquire the knowledge of truth  and ultimately to become fit to be a teacher of the path to Liberation.
Parigrahatyaga-pratima   	The ninth stage in which a layman abandons the cares of worldly  	possessions
Parihara-vishuddhi   	Ideal and passionless conduct.
Pariksa   	Examination
Parinama   	Modification
Parinami-nitya   	Eternal but constantly changing
Parinamika   	Existence of knowledge
Parinamin   	Changing
Paripurna (Naigama)   	Non-distinguished in general
Parisaha-jaya   	Victory over the afflictions
Parishaha   	Sufferings.
Parishaha-jaya   	Sub-dual of sufferings
Paritapiki-kriya   	Anything which may cause mental pain to oneself or others.
Parivrajaka   	A non-Jaina mendicant
Parmarthika (Pratyaksa)   	Transcendental
Paroksa   	Indirect perception, accomplished through the senses, inference, etc.  non-perceptual
Paroparodhakarana   	Residence in a place where one is not likely to be prohibited by others nor  where one should be likely to prohibit others.
Parsad gunaudbhavana   	proclaiming the good qualities of others.
Parthivi-dharana   	Visualization of certain scenes by means of the earth element
Parvan   	Jaina holy days
Paryapta   	rational five-sensed, fully developable soul.
Paryapti   	Developable; capable of developing the body.
Paryaya   	Mode
		Mode; a synonym for bhava
Paryaya   	Synonym
Paryayarthikabhasa   	False point of view of mode
Paryayastikanaya   	Point of view of the mode
Paryusana-parva   	A ten-day holy period for fasting during the rainy season
Pasavaccijja   	Those who follow the discipline of Parsva
Patra   		Bowl
Paudgalika   	Material
Phaddaga   	A chapter of monks
Phala   	Fruit
Pinchi   	A peacock-feather whiskbroom
Pita   		Yellow.
Pita-lesya   	Yellow karmic stain
Pitr-loka   	World of the Manes
Posadhopavasa   	The third siksavrata and fourth pratima; fasting on the eighth and 		
		fourteenth days of each lunar fortnight
Posaha-sala   	Fasting hall
Prabhavana   	Illumination
		Propagation of the path of Liberation.
Prachala   	Drowsiness.
Prachala-prachala   	Heavy drowsiness.
Pradesa   	Space-point; amount of karma
Pradesha   	Quantity
pradesha-bandha   	The particular number of the molecules actually absorbed.
Pradeshatva   	Capacity of having some kind of location in space.
Pradoshiki-kriya   	Tendency to accuse others in anger
Prajna   	Wisdom
Prakaranasama (Hetvabhasa)   	Inconclusive
Prakirnaka   	Miscellaneous; a group of Jaina canonical texts; scatterd stars
Prakriti   	kind
Prakrti   	Original nature of mind and matter in the Samkhya doctrine; types of 	
Pralaya   	Demanifestation
Pramada   	Carelessness
		Negligence; carelessness; apathy
Pramada-charitra   	Thoughtless or inconsiderate conduct, such as plucking flowers or 		
		breaking branches of trees, without any purpose.
Pramana   	Dimensions
		Organ of knowledge
Pramana-prasiddhatva   	Definitelly proved
Pramana-vikalpa-prasiddatva   	Optionally proved
Pramana-vikalpa-siddha	Proved as well as optionally proved
Pramanaikadesatva   	Cognising a part of the organ of knowledge
Pramanatva   	(No definition given)
Pramanavakya   	Statement of the organ of knowledge
Pramanya   	Validity
Pramatr   	The knower
Pramatta-virata   	Total restraint without overcoming pramada; the sixth gunasthana
Pramatva   	Organ of knowledge
Prameya   	Subject
Prameyatva   	Capacity of being known by someone, or of being the subject-matter of 	
Pramoda   	Delight at the sight of beings,better qualified or more advanced than  ourselves on the path of liberation.
Pranatipiki-kriya   	Depriving another of vitalities of age, sense-organs, power or respiration.
Pranayama   	Yogic control of respiration
Prapyakarita   	Working in close contact
Prapyakaritva   	Contactory nature
Prarambha-kriya   	trying to persevere in one's attachment to worldly belongings.
Prasama   	Ease
Prasanga-viparyaya   	Perverted cause
Prasiddha   	Proved
Prasna   	Question
Prasnadesa   	Astrologer (who answers questions)
Prasnika   	Who asks question
Prati-narayana   	A Jaina literary type; the villian
Pratibandha   	Hindrance
Pratiharya   	Miraculous phenomenon
Pratijna   	Thesis
Pratikramana   	Ritualized confession
Pratima   	Stages of renunciation for a layman
Pratimas   	The Eleven stages of the Householder's Life.
Pratipatin (Avadhi)   	Extinguishing
Pratisedha   	Negation
Pratisedha-sadhaka (Hetu)   	Which proves something negative
Pratisedharupa (Hetu)   	Negative
Pratisrika   	Each one of them
Pratita   	Obstructed
Prativadin   	Opponent
Pratyabhijna   	Recognition
Pratyakhyana   	Renunciation of certain foods; one of the six avasayakas
Pratyakhyanavarananiya   	Obstructors of complete renunciation
Pratyakhyanavaraniya   	Total-vow-preventing passions including anger, pride, deceit and greed.
Pratyaksa   	Direct perception
		Perceptual cognition
Pratyaksa viruddha   	Contradicted by perceptual cognition
Pratyaksagamya   	Perceived directly
Pratyayiki-kriya   	Inventing new sense-enjoyments.
Pratyeka   	Individual; solitary
Pratyeka sharira   	Individual body; A body enjoyable by one soul only.
Pratyeka Sharira-Vargana   	Individual body-molecule
Pravacana-matrka   	The eight exercises that prepare a monk for advanced meditational states
Pravachana-bhakti   	Devotion to Scriptures.
Pravachanavatsalatva   	Tender affection for one's brothers on the path of liberation.
Pravrajya   	Renunciation
Pravrttinimitta   	Usage
Prayascitta   	Repentence of transgressions
Prayashchitta   	Expiation--internal austerity.
Prayoga-kriya   	bodily movement.
Prayogya-labdhi   	Reduction of karmic matter in soul attainment of purity due to such a 	
Prayojaka-vrddha   	A man, who comprehends the word
Prayojya-vrddha   	Elder person, who is asked to do a thing
Proshadhopavasa   	Fortnightly must fast.
	    	Taking a vow to fast on 4 days of the month,viz.  the two 8th and the two  14th days of every lunar fortnight.
Prthvi-kayika   	Earthbodies
Psadha-pratima   	The fourth sravaka-pratima
Pudgala   	Matter
Pudgala Dravya   	Matter-Substance
pudgala-skandha   	Aggregate of matter
Pudgalavadin   	Follower of Buddhist school which upholds a theory of soul
Puja   		Worship
Pumveda   	Masculine.
		Sexual cravings for a female
Punya-karma   	Wholesome karma
Punya-ksetra   	Field of merit
Puranas   	Name of a class of sacred texts dealing with the lives of Tirthankaras
Purusa   	Person
Purusa-visesa   	Special soul, i.e., the God (Isvara) of the Yoga school
Purusaveda   	Male-sex-consciousness
Purva	   	A group of fourteen Jaina canonical texts, now extinct
Purva ratanu smarana-tyaga   	Renouncing of thinking over, remembrance of past enjoyment of women.
Purvacara (Hetu)   	Predecessor
Purvacaranupalabdhi   	Non-availability of the predecessor
Puspa   	Flower
Raga   		Desire; passion; attachment
		Giving up infatuation.
Rajas   	Principle of motion in the Samkhya doctrine
Rajoharana   	A whiskbroom
Rajya-Katha   	politics
Rakta	   	Rad.
Rasa   		Taste
Rasa parityaga   	Daily renunciation of one or more of six kinds of delicacies     Ghee, milk,  curd, sugar, salt, and oil--external austerity.
		Abandonment of stimulating or delicious food
Rati   		Indulgence
		Pleasure in sense activity
Ratnatraya   	The three jewels     right faith or insight, right knowledge, right conduct
Ratre-bhukta-tyaga   	Abstinence from eating at night.
Ratri-bhojana   	Eating at night
Ratribhakta-pratima   	The sixth stage, in which one limits all sexual activity to nighttime hours
Raudradhyana   	Meditation on the perverse pleasure of causing injury to others
Rju    		Analytic
Rju-sutrabhasa   	False analytical view point
Rjumati   	Straight intelligence
Rjusutra (Naya)   	Analytic stand, point
Rjusutra-naya   	"Straight-thread" view
Rta    		Vedic concept of cosmic law
Ruja   		Illness
Ruksha   	Rough.
Rupastha-dhyana   	Concentration on the form of the Jina
Rupatita-dhyana   	Concentration on that which transcends form     the nature of the siddha
Sabala   	"Disfigured"; offence
Sabda   	Verbal testimony
Sabda (Kaladigata)   	Word
Sabda (Naya)   	The verbal
Sabdabhasa   	The false verbal view-point
Sabdadyullekha   	Mention of word etc.
Sabdallekha   	Mention of word
Sabdanayabhasa   	False point of view of word
Sachitta-tyaga   	Abstinence from the flesh of conscious creatures.
Sacittatyaga-pratima   	The fifth stage, in which a layman ceases to take certain vegetable life as 	
Sad gunochchhadana   	concealing the good qualities of others
Sada-mukta   	Forever free of bondage
Saddharma-vrddhi   	Increase in righteousness
Sadhana   	Probans
Sadharana   	Common body; Possessed and enjoyable by many souls as a potato.
Sadharana-vanaspati   	Souls which exist together with many others in a common plant body
Sadharma avishamvada   	Not disputing with one's co-religonists, as to "mine" and "thine".
Sadhu   	Mendicant
Sadhu-Samadhi   	Protecting and reassuring to saints or
		removing their troubles.
Sadhya   	Probandum
Sadhya-dharma-visista   	The object which is qualified by the quality to be proved
Sadhya-dharmadhara   	The substratum of the quality to be proved
Sadhya-sadhana-bhava   	Probaundum and probane relationship
Sadhyiji   	A nun of the Svetambara or Sthanakavasi sect
Sadi   		Having a beginning
Sadrsa   	Similar
Sadrsya   	Similarity
Sadrsya-jnana   	Knowledge fo similarity
Sahabhavin   	Simultaneous
Sahacara   	Futile invention
Sahacaranupalabdhi   	Non-availability of one which is simultaneous
Sahasa   	putting down a thing hurriedly
Sakala-pratyaksa   	Perfect perception
Sakaladatti   	Transference of property prior to renunciation
Sakaladesa   	Full statement
Sakara   	Having a form
Sallekhana   	Ritual death by fasting
Sallekhanavrata   	The decision to perform sallekhana
Samabhirudha (Naya)   	Subtle
Samabhirudhabhasa   	False subtle view
Samachaturasra   	Symmetrical; perfect symmetry all round.
Samadana-kriya   	tendency to neglect vows, after having taken them.
Samadhi-marana   	Death while in meditation
Samanadhikaranya   	Co-existence
Samanaska   	Endowed with the mental capacity Possessed of mind
Samantanupatana-kriya   	Answering call of nature in a place frequented by men, women or animals.
Samanya   	Generality
Samanya-guna   	Common Attributes
Samanyalaksana pratyasatti   	Relatonship of generalisation
Samarambha   	Preparation for a thing     i.e. collecting materials for it.  Compare in 	
		Criminal Law the conduct of the criminal before committing the offence.
Samarthana   	Corroboration
Samarthana-nyaya   	Acceptance of the propriety of the cause
Samarthyapratibandha   	Non-hindrance in capability
Samavasarana   	Holy assembly of the Jina
Samavayi-dravya-sabda   	Word indicating a collection
Samaya   	Moment
Samayika   	Attaining equanimity; fusion with the true self
	    	Taking a vow to devote so much time eveyday, once, twice or three times, 	
		at sunrise, sunset, and noon for contemplation of the self for spiritual  advancement. Worship--self-contemplation and purifying one's ideas and  emotions.
Samayika-caritra   	Avoiding all evil actions, identical to the assumption of the five  	mahavratas
Samayika-pratima   	The third stage of practicing samayika
Samayika-samyama   	A synonym for samayika-caritra
Samayikavrata   	Cultivation of equanimity; the second of the siksavratas
Sambandha   	Relationship
Sambandha (Kaladigata)   	Relationship
Sambandhin   	Which are related
Samgha   	Order of monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen
Samgha-pati   	Leader of lay community
Samghata   	Aggregation
Samgraha (Naya)   	Generic
Samgrahabhasa   	False generic point of view
Samgrahika (Naigama)   	Generic
Samhanana   	Bones, muscle, etc.
Samhata-pararthatva   	Collection, meant for others
Samiti   	(Self-) regulation
Samjni   	Able to think abstractly about spiritual matters
Samjvalana   	Perfect conduct preventing.  This is th slightest degree of passion and 	
		co-exists with self-restraint of a high order.
    		Smoldering; -kasaya, subtle passions which are removed as one progresses 		from the sixth to the twelfth gunasthana
Samkalpaja-himsa   	Intentional, premeditated violence
Samkramana   	Energy that contributes to the differentiation or transformation of karmas
Sampada   	Qualifications (of an acarya)
Sampurna-naigama   	Full non-distinguished
Samrambha   	Determination to do a thing - compare intention for an offence in Criminal 
Samsara   	Cycle of transmigration
		Mudane Life
Samsara anupreksha   	Mudaneness.  Soul moves in the cycle of existences and cannot attain true  happiness till he is out of it.
Samsarga (Kaladigata)   	Contact
Samsargin   	Which comes in contact
Samsari-jiva   	Mundane soul
Samsaya   	Doubt
Samshaya   	Doubt, scepticism, hesitaion, e.g., as to path of Liberation
Samskara   	Latent mental trace
Samskara-prabodha   	Awakening of the latent impression
Samskaras   	Sacred rites
Samsthana   	Figure; figure of the body.
Samsthanavicaya   	Contemplation of the structure of the universe
Samudayavada   	Collective
Samudghata   	Bursting forth; expansion of the soul to the limits of the loka-akasa
Samudita   	Jointly
Samvara   	Spiritual path; the stoppage of karmic influx
		Stoppageof Inflow
	    	the stoppage of inflow of karmic matter into the soul.
Samvara anupreksha   	Stoppage.  The inflow must be stopped.
Samvatsari   	Annual ceremony of public confession
Samvega   	Agitation leading to disenchantment Perpetual apprehension of mundane  niseries.
	    	The apprhension of the miseries of the world.
Samvyavahara   	Transaction
Samvyavaharika   	Empirical (intuition)
Samvyavaharika-pratyaksa   	Direct perception, in the conventional sense
Samyag mithyatva (mishra)   	Right-wrong belief;mixed wrong and right belief.
Samyag-darsana   	Right faith
Samyag-drsti   	Right vision
Samyag-jnana   	Right cognition
Samyak (Srutajnana)   	Authentic
Samyak-caritra   	Proper conduct
Samyak-darsana   	Correct view of reality; true spiritual insight; faith in the teachings of the 	
Samyak-drsti   	The fourth gunasthana, in which one attains samyak-darsana
Samyak-jnana   	Correct knowledge; knowledge associated with samyak-darsana
Samyak-mithyatva   	A state of transition in which both correct and incorrect views are present; 	
		the third gunasthana
Samyaka adana nikshepa samiti   	Proper care in lifting and laying.
Samyaka bhasha samiti   	Proper care in speaking.
Samyaka eshana samiti   	Proper care in eating.
Samyaka irya samiti   	Proper care in walking.
Samyaka utsarga Samiti   	Proper care in excreting.
Samyaktva   	Authenticity
Samyaktva Prakriti   	Clouded-right-belief; right belief clouded by slight wrong belief.  Full  right belief of the subsidential or destructive knid, being a characteristic 
Samyaktva Prakriti   	primary attribute of the soul, manifests itself at the subsidence or  	destruction of this sub-class.
Samyaktva-kriya   	that which strengthens right belief    e.g., worship, etc.
Samyam-asamyama   	restraint by vows of some, but not of others.
Samyama   	Restraint
Samyamasamyama   	Restraint of some vows, but not of others, found in laymen only.
Samyogi-dravya-sabda   	Word indicating a union
Sandeha   	Doubt
Sandigdha-vipaksa-vrttika (Hetvabhasa)   	Whose existence in the heterologous is doubtful
Sangha   	The Saints' brotherhoods.
Sangraha-naya   	Synthetic view
Sanjna (Aksarasruta)   	Script
Sanjna-sanjni-sambandha   	Relationship of word and its meaning
Sanjnin (Srutajnana)   	Discursive
Sanka-matra-vighataka   	Being a remover of the doubt in general
Sankalana   	Synthetic judgment
Sankalanatmaka   	Synthetic
Sankhya   	Number
Sankhyatanu-Vargana   	Numerable-atoms-molecule
Sankita   	Doubtful
Sannikarsa   	Approximity
Santara-Shunya-Vargana   	Inter-non-inter-indifferent molecule
Santara-Vargana   	Inter-non-inter molecule
Sapaksa   	Homologous instance
Saparyavasita (Srutajnana)   	Having end
Sapindikarana   	A ritual connected with offering of food to the Manes
Sapta-bhangi-naya   	The sevenfold predication
Saptabhanga   	Seven aspects
Saptabhangi   	Seven-fold statement
Saptapadi   	That portion of the Hindu wedding ceremony in which the couple takes 	
		seven steps around the fire
Saraga-samyama   	self-control with slight attachment; etc.
Sarage-samyama   	Self-control with slight attachment found in monks only.
Sarana   	Refuge
Sarira	   	Body
Sarva-virata   	Attainment of sarva-virati; the sixth gunasthana
Sarva-virati   	Total restraint of a mendicant
Sarvajna   	An omniscient being; a synonym for kevalin
Sasana-devata   	Guardian spirits
Sastra   	Scripture
Sasvadana   	State of "mixed taste"; the second gunasthana
Sat    		Being
Sat-jiva-nikaya   	The six kinds of living beings, namely, the five ekendriyas and the trasa
Sata-vedaniya   	Pleasure-feeling; that which brings pleasure.
Sata-vendaniya   	Pleasure-bearing feeling karmic matter
Sata, Satavedaniya   	Experience of pleasure
Satpratipaksa   	Inconclusive reason
Satrsanac   	Continuous participles
Sattadvaita   	Non-duality of the existence
Sattveshu   	Living beings.
Satya	Truth   	Vrata - the vow to abstain from lying
Satya mana   	True mind
Satya-vachana   	True
Savicara   	Accompanied by applied thinking
Savipaka   	The ripening of fruit by itself.
Savipaka-nirjara   	The natural maturing of a karma and its separation from the soul.
Sayoga-kevalin   	A kevalin still possessed of the activities of body, speech, and mind; the  thirteenth gunasthana
Shaktitas-tapa   	The practice of austerities, according to one's capacity.
Shaktitas-tyaga   	Giving to others, gift of knowledge, food, medicine, etc., according to  one's capacity.
Shalya   	A thorn; a blemish.
Sharira   	Bodies.
		The body.
Sharitra   	Conduct.
Sharitra-mohaniya   	Right-conduct-deluding.
Shaucha   	contentmant
Shiksha-vratas   	Four vows relating to meditation in the morning, noon, and evening, to  keeping fast on certain days, and to his duty of daily giving charity in the  form of knowledge, medicine, comfort, and food.
Shila   		Restrictions
Shila vrateshvanatichara   	Faultless observance of the Five Vows, and faultless subdual of the  passions. Shita``Cold.
Shoka   	Sorrow
Shruta   	Scriptures
Shruta-jnanavarana   	Scriptural-knowledge-obscuring.
Shubha   	Beautiful (body).
Shukla   	White.
Siddha   	A liberated soul; a kevalin freed from all activities whatsoever
		Liberated soul
		The Realised Soul.
Siddha sadhana   	The means to prove
Siddha-gati   	The destiny of the siddha
Siddha-loka   	The permanent abode of the siddha; a synonym for isat-pragbhara-bhumi
Siddhanta   	Doctrine
Siddhi   	Yogic power
Siksavratas   	Vows of spiritual descipline
Sila   		Conduct
Silpa   		Handcrafts
Skandha   	Aggregate
Smarana   	Recollection
Smrta   	Remembered
Smrti   	Memory
Smrti-jnanavarana   	Knowledge-obscuring karman of memory
Snapana   	The ceremony of sprinkling or bathing the Jina-image
Snigdha   	Smooth.
Snigdha-ruksatva   	Moisture and dryness (of atoms)
Soka   		Sorrow
Sparsa   	Touch
Sparsha   	Touch
Sparshana-kriya   	Frivolous indulgence in touching.
Spasta   	Obvious
Spastata   	Clarity
Sraddha   	Faith
		Offering of food to the Manes
Sramana   	A non-Vedic mendicant, usually a Jaina or a Buddhist
Sramanabhuta   	A novice about to become a mendicant
Sramanopasaka   	A disciple of the ascetics; a synonym for sravaka
Sravaka   	A layman; a synonym for upasaka and sramanopasaka
Sravaka-pratima   	The eleven stages of the path of the layman; a synonym for  
Sravakacara   	Book of the layman's discipline
Sreni	Ladder    	A term applied to the eighth, ninth, and tenth gunasthanas
Srotra   	Ear
Sruta   	Scriptural (cognition)
		The oral tradition of Jaina scripture
Sruta-pancami   	The "scripture-fifth," a Jaina holiday
Srutajnana   	Knowledge derived from instruction and reasoning
Srutanusarana   	Basing on word
Srutanusarin   	Based on word
Srutanusaritva   	Based on word
Srutopayoga   	Conscious activity towards verbal thinking
Stava   	Hymn of praise
Steya   	Theft.
Sthana   	Situation.
Sthanakavasi   	Dwellers in halls; name of a Jaina sect whose members do not worship in 	
Sthapana   	Replacement
Sthapana   	Ritual act of asking a monk to stop for alms
Sthapanacarya   	Sacred objects used as a substitute for a teacher
Sthapanajina   	Symbol of Jina
Sthapanajiva   	Image symbol of soul
Sthapanendra   	Symbol of Indra
Sthavara   	Immobile beings, such as plants Immobile, with bodies having one sense  only, i.e., the sense of touch.
Sthavira   	Elder
		Elder (of the monastaries)
Sthavirakalpin   	A monk who lives in an ecclesiastical community
Sthira   	Steady (circulation of blood, bile, etc.).
Sthitapaksatva   	Real doctrine
Sthiti   	Duration
Sthiti karana   	To help oneself or others to remain steady in the path of truth.
Sthtikarana   	Acting to promote the stability of another's faith in the Jaina path
Stotra   	A philosophical hymn
Stri-Katha   	Women
Strimukti   	Attainment of moksa in a female incarnation
Striraga-katha-shravana tyaga   	Renouncing of(reading or) hearing stories exciting attachment for women
Striveda   	Feminine inclination.
		Sexual cravings for a male
Stupa   	Reliquary mound
Styanagriddhi   	Somnambulism.
Styanarddhi-nidra   	Somnambulism
Subhaga   	Amiable; amaiable personality, even though not beautiful.
Suddha dravya   	Pure existence of the substance
Suddhi   	Purity
Sudra	   	A member of the fourth caste
Sugamdha   	Sweet-smelling; fragrant.
Sukha   	Bliss
Sukha-vedana   	Feeling of happiness
Sukla   	White
Sukla-lesya   	Luminous white karmic stain
Sukshma   	Fine (body) uncuttable and all-pervasive.
Sukshma Nigoda-Vargana   	Fine-common-body-molecule
Suksma-samparaya   	The state of having only the subtle passions; the tenth gunasthana
Suksmakriya-anivartin   	The state of subtle movement
Sunyagara   	Residence in a solitary place, like a mountain or cave, etc.
Susama   	Happy
Susama-dusama   	More happy than unhappy
Susama-susama   	Extremely happy
Susvara   	Sweet-voiced, musical.
Sutra	Style   	Aphoristic mode of presentation; the canonical scriptures
Suya-nana   	Scriptural knowledge
Sva sharira sanskara-tyaga   	Renouncing of beautifying one's own body; self-adornment.
Sva-dravya   	Specific being, location, time, and state, respectively of oneself
Sva-para-vyavasayin   	Definiitive cognition of the self and others
Sva-samviditva   	Self-illuminating
Svabhava   	Own nature
Svabhava-parinama   	Undefiled change
Svabhava-sthita   	Established in one's own nature
Svabhava-viruddha   	Contradiction in nature
Svabhavanupalabdhi   	Non-availability of the nature
Svadeha-parimana   	The physical dimensions of the soul identical to those of its current body
Svadhyaya   	Study--internal austerity.
		The study of the scriptures
Svahasta-kriya   	Undertaking to do by one's own hand, what should be done by others.
Svamitva   	The knower
Svanuraktatvakarana   	Sustaining object in its own form
Svapaka   	The lowest class in Indian society
Svartha (anumana)   	For oneself (inference)
Svartha-vyavasiti   	Definite cognition of the self
Svarupa   	Form
Svarupa-pratiti   	Indetermination of knowledge
Svarupa-prayuktavyabhicara   	Characterised by the innate nature of the object
Svarupa-visesana   	Indication of nature
Svasamaya   	One's own doctrine
Svastika   	Well-being; the stylized wheel of life
Svati   		Tapering;	
		like a snake-hole, broad in lower but short in the upper extremities, reverse of Nyag rodha parimandala.
Svetambara   	White [cotton]-clad; name of Jaina sect whose mendicants wear white garments
Svetapata   	A synonym for Svetambara
Syadvada   	The doctrine of qualified assertion
Syat   		From a particular point of view
		In some respect
Syatkara   	Marked by syat
Sykladhyana   	Pure concentration
Taijasa   	Electric body
	    	Electric body of mundane souls which always accompanies them.
Taijasa Agrahya-Vargana   	Electric-unrecievable-molecule
Taijasa Vargana   	what the electric body is made of.
Taijasa-sarira   	Heat body
Taijasa-Vargana   	Electric Molecule
Tamas   	The principle of inertia in the Samkhya doctrine
Tan-manohara anga-nirikshana-tyaga   	Renouncing of seeing their beautiful bodies.
Tanu-vata   	Rarefied air
Tapa   		Austerities.
		Repentance, remorse
Tapas	   	Austerity
Taranapantha   	A Jaina reform movement started by Taranasvami
Tarka	   	Reductio ad absurdum
Tattva   	The [nine] "reals," regarded as objects of faith for a Jaina
Tattva-rupavati   	The meditative practice of envisioning the body as totally pure
Tejo-kayika   	Fire bodies
Tendriya   	Three-sensed.
Terapantha   	Path of the thirteen; name of a subsect of the Sthanakavasi
Tika   		Commentary
Tikta   	Pungent.
Tirtha   	Ford; the path of Jaina practice; the monastic order
Tirtha-ksetra   	A place where arhats have attained moksa
Tirthamkara   	A Tirthamkara's career with all its grandeur when He preaches and completes His Ministry.
Tirthankara   	Builders of the ford; the omniscient spiritual teachers of the Jainas; a synonym for Jina
Tirthankara-prakrti   	Karmas that determine the body of a Tirthankara
Tiryanca   	Animals and plants, sub-human.
Tiryancha Anupurvi   	Sub-human--migratory form.
Tiryancha-ayu   	Sub-human age karma
Tiryanchayu   	Sub-human age.
Titthiya   	Pali for Tirthankara
Trairupya   	Triple characteristic
Trasa	Mobile being    	A being having two or more senses
	    	Mobile, with bodies having 2, 3, 4, and 5 senses.
Trasa-nadi   	Channel of the mobile beings; that portion of the lokakasa in which the trasas abide
Trilaksana   	Three characteristics
Ubhaya mana   	Mixed true and false mind.
Ubhaya-Vachana   	Both true and false.
Ubhayasambandha (Vyanjana)   	Relation of the two, i.e. contact-awareness and object-awareness
Ubhayasiddha   	Proved both ways
Ubhayasiddha (Hetvabhasa)   	Unproved for both
Ucchedavada   	Doctrine of annihilation after death
Ucchedavadin   	Annihilationist
Ucchvasa   	Sigh
Uchcha   	Gotra high family.
Uchchhvasa   	Respiration.
Udaya   	Arising
Uddistatyaga-pratima   	The eleventh stage, in which a layman renounces any food or lodging that  has been specifically prepared for him
Uddistha-tyaga   	Preparatory to the monk's life.  enjoins a gradual giving up of the world  and retiring into osme very quiet place to acquire the knowledge of truth  and ultimately to become fit to be a teacher of the path to Liberation.
Udirana   	Energy that makes possible the premature fruition of karmas
Udumbara   	Fig
Udvartana   	Energy that delays the time and increases the intensity of karmic fruition
Udyota   	cold light, phosphorescence; cold light like moonshine.
Uha (Pramana)   	Inductive reasoning
Ullekha   	Mention
Upa-brimhana   	Also Upa guhana, advancement in one's own attributes.  Free from a  tendency to proclaim the foults of others.
Upabhoga   	Repeated enjoyment
Upabhoga-antaraya   	Hindrance to repeated enjoyment
Upabhoga, pari bhoga parimana   	Taking a vow every day limiting one's enjoyment of consumable and  non-consumable things.
Upabhogha Antaraya   	obstuctive of Re-enjoyment of non-consumable things.
Upacara   	Transference of epithet
Upadana-karana   	Material cause
Upadhyaya   	Preceptor
Upaghata   	Self-destructive; Having a self-destructive limb or organ, as a stag's horns.
Upaguhana   	Protecting a fellow Jaina
Upakara   	Effect
Upakarana   	Mixing up of things necessary for doing any act.
Upakaranendriya   	Physical sense-organ
Upakarin   	Effect
Upalambha   	Observation
Upamana (Pramana)   	Analogy
Upanaya   	Application
Upanayana   	Ceremony of initiation
Upanga   	Minor limb
    		Subsidiary to the Anga; a group of twelve canonical texts
Upaniti   	The ceremony of initiation for a layman
Upapata   	Rebirth in hell or heaven
Upapatti   	Concomitant
Upasaka   	A Jaina layman; a synonym for sravaka
Upasaka-pratima   	The eleven stages of laymanship, a synonym for sravaka-pratima
Upasama   	Suppression
Upasamana   	Energy that temporarily prevents karmas from coming to fruition
Upasamharavacana   	Concluding words
Upasanta-moha   	The eleventh gunasthana, in which all caritra-mohaniya karmas are briefly 	
		rendered inoperative
Upasarga   	Calamity
Upatta   	Of the matter assimilated as karma and non-karma by the soul, that which  is accepted by the soul.
Upayoga   	Applied consciousness
		Conscious activity
Upayogendriya   	Functioning sense
Urdhva-loka   	The celestial world
Ushna   	Hot.
Utkrama   	Perverted order
Utpada   	Birth
		Comes into existence
		Origin; acquisition
Utpala-patra-satavyati-bheda   	Like the piercing of the hundred petals of a lotus
Utsarga-samiti   	Care in performing the excretory functions
Utsarpini   	Ascending round
		Progressive half-cycle
Uttama arjava   	Supreme Straight-forwardness, (Honesty).
Uttama mardava   	Supreme Jumility
Uttama samyama   	Supreme Restraint.
Uttama satya   	Supreme truth.
Uttama-akinchanya   	Supreme non-attachment.  Not taking the non-self for one's own self.
Uttama-brahmacharya   	Supreme Chastity.
Uttama-kshama   	Supreme Forgiveness
Uttama-shaucha   	Supreme contentment.
Uttama-tapa   	Supreme Austerities.
Uttama-tyaga   	Supreme Renunciation.
Uttaracara   	Successor
Uttaracaranupalabdhi (Hetu)   	Non-availability of the follower
Uvajjhaya   	Prakrit for upadhyaya
Vacana   	Statement
Vacya-vacaka-bhava   	Relationship of the word and its meaning
Vada   		Legitimate discourse
Vadara Nigoda Shunya-Vargana   	Gross common-body-indifferent-molecule
Vadara Nigoda-Vargana   	Gross common-body-molecule
Vadin   	Proponent
Vaggupti   	Preservation of speech.
Vaidriyika   	fluid.
Vaikalika   	[Texts studied] beyond the prescribed hours
Vaikriyika   	Fluid
	    	Fluid,the body of hellish and celestial beings, which they can change at will. 
Vaikriyika-mishra   	Fluid with karmic.
Vainayika-mithyatva   	Mithyatva due to indiscriminate openmindedness
Vaineyika   	Religion is identical with veneration of parents, king, etc., e.g., 		
Vairagya   	Aversion leading to renunciation
		The non-attachment to sense pleasures.
Vaisya   	A member of the merchant caste
Vaivahiki-kriya   	The wedding ceremony
Vaiyavrittya-karana   	Serving the meritorious..
Vaiyavritya   	Service of the saints or worthy people--internal austerity.
Vaiyavrttya   	Respectful service
Vajra	Diamond    	adamantine
Vajra-naracha-Samhanana   	Adamantine, joints and bones.
Vajra-rishabha-aracha-Samhanana   	Adamantine, nerves, joints and bones.
Vakprayoga   	Statement
Vakya   	Sentence
Valaya   	Layer of teh atmosphere
Vamana   	Dwarf.
Vanaspati-kaya   	Plant beings
Vanavasi   	Forest dweller
Vandana   	Reverent salutation
Vang   	Movement by speech
Vardhamana (Avadhi)   	Augmenting
Varna   	Caste hierarchy/ class; color; a quality of matter
Varna-vyavastha   	Class/ caste system
Varnalabha   	Ritual celebrating the establishment of a new household by a married son
Varsa	   	Continent
Varuni-dharana   	A process of meditational "cleansing," accompanied with the water  element.
Vasana   	Memory impression
Vastu	   	Real
Vastutva   	capacity by which a substance has a fuction.
Vatsalya   	Disinterested affection
    		Tender affection for one's brother on the path of Liberation.
Vayu-kayika   	Air-bodies
Veda   		Sex-consciousness
		Sexual feelings
Vedaka-samyaktva   	A synonym for ksayopasamika-samyaktva
Vedaniya   	Feeling Karma
Vedaniya-karma   	Karma responsible for mundane experience of pain and pleasure
Vibhava   	Defiled; impure
Vibhu   	All-pervasive
Vicara   	Shifting attention from one mode to another
Vidarana-kriya   	Proclaiming other's sins.
Vidhana   	Ritual
Vidhi   	Positively
Vidhi-sadhaka (Hetu)   	Positive, which proves something positive
Vidhikalpana   	Positive aspect
Vidhirupa (Hetu)   	Positive
Vidya   	The arts
Vigraha-gati   	Movement of a soul to its new destiny
Vihayogati   	Movement; capacity of moving in space.
Vijigisu   	Who wants victory
Vikala-pratyaksa   	Partial perception
Vikaladesa   	Partial reference
Vikalpa   	Idea
Vikalpa-prasiddhatva   	Optional
Vikalpa-siddha   	Optionally proved
Vikalpagamya   	Optional knowledge
Vikalpatmika   	Optional only
Vikrti   	Defiled modification
Vimochitavasa   	Residence in a deserted place.
Vinaya   	Reverence to the elders Reverence--internal austerity. Veneration.  Taking  all religions and gods, even the so-called religions which enjoin cruel or  immoral practices, to be equally worthy of pursuit.
Vinaya-sampannata   	Reverence for means of Liberation and for those who follow them.
Vipaka   	Karmic retribution
Vipakavicaya   	Meditation on karmic fruition
Vipaksa   	Heterologous
Vipaksabadhaka-pramana   	Proof which obstructs the opponent's view
Vipaksasattva   	Presence in heterologous cases
Viparita   	Contradictory
	    	Perverse belief, e.g., animal sacrifices lead to heaven.  Injury to anyone  cannot be a cause of merit.
Viparita-mithatva   	Perverted or incorrect view
Viparitaropa   	Contrary imposition
Viparyaya   	Error
Vipulamati   	Ample intelligence
Vira-nirvana   	Beginning of the Jaina era; death [anniversary] of Mahavira
Virodha   	Contradiction
Virodhi-himsa   	Injury generated by standing in
Virodhi-himsa   	opposition to an enemy
Virodhi-sanka   	Doubt of the opponent
Viruddha   	Contradictory
Viruddha sahacaranupalambha   	Non-availability of the concomitant contradictory to the probandum
Viruddha-dharmadhyasa   	Which imposes the opposite quality
Viruddha-karyanupalambha   	Non-availability of the effect contradictory to the probandum
Viruddha-svabhavanupalambha   	Non-availability of the nature contradictory to the probandum
Viruddha-vyapakanupalambha   	Non-availability of the determinant concomitant contradictory to the 	
Viruddhakarananupalambha   	Non-availability of the cause contradictory to the probandum
Viruddhanupalabdhi   	Non-availability of the contradictory
Viruddhopalabdhi   	Availability of the contradictory
Virya   	Energy
Virya Antaraya   	obstructive of power of exercise of one's capacities.
Viryantaraya   	Energy-obstruction
Visadrsa   	Dissimilar
Visamvada   	Wrangling, etc., wrong-belief, envy, back-biting, self-praise, censuring 	
		others, etc., and causes a bad-body-making karma.
Visani   	An animal possessed of horns
Visesa-darsana   	Particular observation
Visesavamarsa   	Inference of the particular
Vishesha-guna   	Special Attributes
Visistapratyaksa   	Qualified direct perception
Visuddhi   	Purity
Vitaraga   	Free from passion; an epithet for an arhat
Vivaksa   	Aspect emphasized by a speaker
Vivarta   	Mode
Vivartavada   	The theory of illusory causation in monistic Vedanta
Vivikta-sayyasana   	Solitary place of rest
Vivikta-shayyasana   	Sitting and sleeping in a lonely place, devoid of animate beings--external 	
Vrata   	Restraint
Vrata-pratima   	The second stage where a layman assumes the anuvratas
Vratyanukampa   	Compassion for the vowers.
Vrishyeshta rasa-tyaga   	Renouncing of exciting and aphrodisiac food or drinks.
Vritti-parisankhyana   	Taking a mental vow to accept food from a house-holder, only if a certain  dition is fulfilled, without letting anyone know about the vow--external  terity.
Vrtti   		Subcommentary
Vrtti-parisamkhyana   	Limiting the extent of one's begging rounds
Vyabhicara   	Contradiction
Vyabhicarin   	One who contradicts
Vyanjana   	That which manifests
Vyanjana (Aksarasruta)   	Consonant
Vyanjanaksara (Sruta)   	Alphabet
Vyanjanaparyaya   	Manifest modes
Vyanjanavagraha (Mati)   	Contact-awareness
Vyantaravasi   	The peripatetic gods
Vyapaka   	Determinant concomitant
Vyapakanupalabdhi   	Non-availability of the determinant concomitant
Vyapti   	Necessary concomitance
Vyaptigraha   	Cognition of the concomitance
Vyaptigrahana   	Cognition of the concomitance
Vyaptijnana   	Knowledge of necessary concomitance
Vyapya   	Determinate concomitant
Vyapya (Hetu)   	Determinate concomitant
Vyapyopalabdhi   	Availability of concomitant
Vyatikrama   	Disturbed order
Vyatireka   	Disagreement
Vyatireka-dharma   	Disagreement
Vyavahara   	Convention; appropriate proceedings Practical
Vyavahara (Naya)   	Empirical
Vyavaharabhasa   	False empirical point of view
Vyavaharika   	Empirical
Vyavasayin   	Definitive
Vyaya   	Decay
		Goes out of existance.
		Loss; disappearance
Vyuparatakriya-anivartin   	Absolute nonmotion
Vyutpattinimitta   	Etymological
Vyutsarga   	Giving up attachment to the body, etc.--internal austerity.
		Renunciation of egoistic thoughts
Yadrccha-sabda   	Words, which are proper names
Yaksa   	Demigod
Yantra   	Mystical diagram
Yashah Kirti   	Fame; bringing good fame even if one does not do good actions.
Yathakhyata-caritra   	Conduct conforming to perfect purity
Yathapravrtta-karana   	The soul's ineradicable tendency towards spirtual growth
Yati   		A spiritually advanced layman of the Svetambara sect
Yatra   	Pilgrimage
Yaugapadya   	Simultaneity
Yoga	contemplation    	Vibration; activities; meditation Vibrations in the soul.
Yojana   	A measure fo distance equal to about
		eight or nine miles
Yugapat   	Simultaneous